Saturday, 29 March 2014

Amelia: with Human Steps Lalala

humanistic ------------------------------------------- mechanistic


with us

Be still!
group - population

My source: Sky Arts 1 and Amelia - my grandmother

Friday, 28 March 2014

Five Fever Tales: Fact-based dramas about malaria, one of the oldest human diseases

The following radio broadcasts may be of interest:

Five Fever Tales by Lavinia Greenlaw
Five Fever Tales by Lavinia Greenlaw

These brief plays are very interesting as they present history in a docu-drama approach. The science behind the discovery of what the 'fever' was/is and the challenge for those who first saw new 'living' things through the microscope and then convincing the scientific establishment is quite fascinating.

The economic incentives to solving the 'fever' are also salutary and give pause for thought in considering global health today (and tomorrow - global warning) as is recognition of resistance and current genetic research programmes.

I believe these programmes are freely accessible worldwide, for a limited time period.

Also posted on HIFA2015 c/o the moderator.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Extraordinary lives: Demographic influences on academic studies - Life Writing, Life Story Work

Recent reading for studies at Lancaster included
Ethics of Internet Research: Contesting the Human Subjects Research Model

Beyond a week's focus on ethics the above refers to Life Writing:
The study of Life Writing spans many disciplines, and represents 'a fast changing terrain' which is concerned with the study of the writing of lives, encompassing auto/biography as well as aspects of life story that originate outside the written form, such as oral history, testimony, and artifacts such as photography and the visual arts (Jolly, 2001, p. ix). The written text is viewed as a vehicle for an individual's construction of identity, the personal narrative that it records being

…a fundamental means by which people comprehend their own lives and present a 'self' to their audience. (Borland, 1991, p. 71)
The multiple approaches taken in Life Writing research can arguably be attributed to the multidisciplinary background of its practitioners. Like Internet researchers, those researching Life Writing have been trained in a variety of disciplines including anthropology, sociology, history, linguistics and literary theory. These various disciplines have contributed a range of insights into the collection of oral history and analysis of the resultant texts (Gluck and Patai, 1991, p. 3). Ethical guidelines for the conduct of Life Writing researchers, such as those published by the Oral History Society in the UK, appear to follow a human subjects model, focussing on the undertaking of the interview, and restricting discussion of the resultant text to issues of copyright. Yet practitioners emphasise the need to remember that as:

…the typical product of an interview is a text, not a reproduction of reality …models of textuality [are] therefore needed. (Gluck and Patai, 1991, p. 3)
What chance is there that Life Writing will be - is being influenced by current demographic and societal trends? Trends and challenges that inevitably present new meanings for history within life and with this new ethical issues? While life writing is clearly an established discipline, how might it develop and what other challenges might apply?

In health and social care Life Story Work is an important part in of assessment and interventions. Has it been discussed, is it appropriate, completed and if so, is this work available and accessible? Do we need people beyond the existing establishment with a dedicated set of skills and knowledge to engage with people diagnosed early on, or will treatments soon make this less of an issue? Will dementia and early dementia especially, with the latest technology prompt new perspectives, or reinforce existing life writing practices? What is an archive? In life story work these people, persons, individuals (and their lives?) are more than subjects.

There are many overlaps already in the mental health state of past and present national leaders, while health services continue to bridge the dementia gap in diagnosis. Biography: world leaders, other recognised lives in Life Story Work and seeking to preserve personal identities in dementia care: clearly these are figures that count.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Sensing Spaces: Care architecture - memories of choice

Good architecture is often invisible,
but it allows whatever is happening in that space to
be the best experience possible.

Pezo von Ellrichshausen

Good architecture may have something in common with good health; it is something that can be taken for granted. When things go awry and are wrong then architecture and health suddenly impose upon us, a major intrusion.

As I may have mentioned before, in the past I've been asked how I've managed entering such and such care facility for so long. Within health there is recognition of heartsink patients. There are still heartsink buildings too. Not purpose built, seemingly either all narrow dark corridors, interrupted when doors let in shafts of light and assault dignity and privacy; or large 'lounges' that still invite armchairs to be flung against walls.

Architecture like this is not invisible. Walls are walls, blanc, flat and solid. Pictures removed due to safety concerns. Two holes and exposed plaster testify to what? Now, after six months....?

Even for the confused there are few potential found spaces, spaces to sit, stand, be; spaces towards which some personal impetus might have a person gravitate. A space of relative quite, looking out on some-thing relaxing even if not a small garden feature.

"Where's Joan, her friend's here to see her?"
"It's OK, I know where she'll be."

Royal Academy: Sensing Spaces
Education guide


Saturday, 22 March 2014

Over Here 2: Smart Thinking or Who do you think you are?

Of all the things that tend to merge, overlap, then appear discrete only to dissolve again we can see illness, health and well-being. To these we can add - self-help, intelligent self-help, various forms of literacy (3R's, emotional, economic, information, visual, health) and self-care.

I am sure that Hodges' model can help improve health literacy and general reflective abilities. There are some really difficult-to-reach audiences, clients and communities out there. The challenge is not just spreading the word:
A crude but generally accurate definition of what makes a smart thinking book is anything you could easily imagine being the subject of a TED talk. The recipe is to find a leading expert and get him (alas, still more often than her) to write about an idea in his field that is interesting to a wider audience and which he believes - or at least claims - can help us change our lives for the better. It has been called intelligent self-help, but since most potential readers would not appreciate the implied association with the dumber varieties, "smart thinking" has a certain advantage. ... FT Weekend. p.8
- but demonstration too.

My source: Julian Baggini, Wisdom set to work, Life & Arts, Financial Times. March 8-9, 2014, p.8.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Informatics in Primary Care - journal
Informatics in Primary Care Journal
On Wednesday I visited HC2014. Having the week off and with the event literally on the doorstep (London in 2015) it was very convenient.

I'd received an email the evening before on the new informatics federation and heard the official announcement in the opening session. My last HC event was 2005, my first 1986 also in Manchester if I remember correctly.

I posted the federation news this morning. On the BCS stand I picked up a copy of the INFORMATICS IN PRIMARY CARE.

This journal is open access. Despite the title and perhaps illustrative of the dependencies within and need to integrate health (and social care) the journal's coverage is broad and inclusive:
We are interested in how computerised medical records can better record the clinical status of patients and can be used to measure the quality, safety and efficiency of health care professionals and organisations – including primary care, hospital, mental health, and social and community care.  The scope of the journal also includes integrated care and how genetic data might be used to enhance health care.

I will reflect a little more on HC2014 soon.

BCS, UKCHIP and IHRIM announce a new vision for the health informatics profession at HC2014


19 March 2014

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, the UK Council of Health Informatics Professions (UKCHIP) and the Institute of Health Records and Information Management (IHRIM) are working collaboratively to create a new federation for the Informatics profession. The three autonomous bodies will work closely together in a federation to ensure that UK health informatics is recognised as a valued profession. 

Justin Whatling, Chair of BCS Health, part of the Chartered Institute for IT, explains: “This is a very exciting moment for health informatics. Today technology has an immense and profound impact on the health and wellbeing of people. Therefore it’s time for the profession to mature to meet the increasing demand on our skills and capability. We want health to be an attractive place for informatics professionals from other sectors to come and work, and we want to provide a clear career path and professional development opportunities to retain those already working in health. The federation will help us to achieve this.”

The initiative comes as the NHS is under increasing pressure to find and implement new models of health and social care that will provide services closer to people’s homes. This requires health professionals to share accurate information securely and confidentially. In addition, the Caldicott 2 Review has introduced a Duty of Care to Share health information. Both of these things have happened at a time when public trust in the NHS’ ability to handle personal health information has taken a hit.

The federation will be open to all other informatics professional bodies, the private sector, the home countries and lay representation. It will provide leadership of the overall profession with a single professional register and point of entry for professionals, oversee an agreed regulatory framework with a common code of ethical practice and coordinate access to resources providing a unified set of capabilities for all professional areas of practice.

Read more

Thursday, 20 March 2014

[c/o hipnet] Data Visualization Enthusiast? Join us on the Data Viz Hub!

Dear Colleagues

The recently launched Data Viz for Development Hub [] is a vibrant community for sharing resources, tools, examples, and ideas about data visualization. Using graphs, charts, maps, tables, infographics, and other visualizations can improve how we communicate information to stakeholders and the larger development community. With a wealth of resources available, and a growing interest across international development practitioners to build effective visualizations, the Hub will help keep communicators, evaluators, developers and others in the know about data viz best practices and new tools, connecting visualizers from all domains of expertise.

Check out the Hub at, and join the community listserv by emailing:
dataviz AT with the subject "Join." We look forward to connecting with you about all things data viz!

Questions? Contact Libby Skolnik at libby.skolnik AT


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Speaker's corner

humanistic ------------------------------------------- mechanistic

canto do orador

Le coin de l'auditeur, Rincón del oyente
الزاوية المستمع 听者的角落,
Canto do ouvinte, Listener's corner

Le coin des haut-parleurs
       الزاوية المتكلم

esquina del orador
Speaker's corner
group - population

Image source:

Monday, 17 March 2014

[ganm] International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences - submit today to this exciting new journal!

Dear colleague,

The International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences (IJANS) is a new, open access, international scientific journal published by Elsevier. The broad-based journal is founded on two key tenets, i.e. to publish the most exciting research with respect to the subjects of nursing and midwifery in Africa, and secondly, to advance the international understanding and development of nursing and midwifery in Africa, both as a profession and as an academic discipline.

The fully refereed journal will provide a forum for all aspects of nursing and midwifery sciences, especially new trends and advances. The journal calls for original research papers, systematic and scholarly review articles, and critical papers which will stimulate debate on research, policy, theory or philosophy of nursing as related to nursing and midwifery in Africa and technical reports, and short communications, all of which will meet the journal's high academic and ethical standards. Manuscripts of nursing practice, education, management, and research are encouraged. The journal values critical scholarly debate on issues that have strategic significance for educators, practitioners, leaders and policy-makers of nursing and midwifery in Africa.

The journal will seek to publish the highest quality scholarly contributions reflecting the diversity of nursing. It is also inviting international scholars who are engaged with nursing and midwifery in Africa to contribute to the journal.

The IJANS is an open access journal and in 2014 there will be no publication charges for any author.

The Editor, Dr Hester Klopper (CEO, FUNDISA and President, STTI), welcomes submissions at

With kind regards,

Tewodros Seyoum Nigussie
Lecturer, Msc in Clinical Midwifery
University of Gondar
Department of Midwifery
PO.Box 196
Email Address : tedysha AT

University website @ Gondar:

The GANM is part of the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center.

The thoughts, opinions and views that are posted on the GANM do not reflect those of either Johns Hopkins University or WHO.

Please visit the GANM webpage at:

Sunday, 16 March 2014

A *prospective* journal issue devoted to the "Health Career - Care Domains - Model"

Last month I was contacted regards the possibility of acting as associate editor for a journal issue devoted to Hodges' model, or a related theme.

At present with part-time studies having started in January and a residential week to following at the end of March I have rather got my hands full. I hope to post in the near future on how these studies are helping to shape my ideas.

One clear 'result' is the prompt to engage with residential and nursing homes in preparation for a 'small research study' I have to complete this northern Spring. I've two meetings organised thus far with home managers.

A journal issue is a great prospect however, a giant step in fact - for the conceptual framework and myself (I'd also contribute an editorial). Perhaps I could share this project with someone similarly minded regards the potential of Hodges' model in health and social care and without in education and informatics? It seems that this invitation will stand even if I can only pick it up in the future, end of 2015-2016...

In the sidebar, below the bibliography I've listed a publications to-do list that could be extended:
  • Hodges' model, structure, content and applications 
  • taking the 'career' out of Hodges' model and putting it back;
  • curriculum development;
  • reflective practice;
  • case formulation;
  • holistic care (and related perspectives, but in informatics, SOCIO-TECHNICAL);
  • the theory - practice gap;
  • threshold concepts;
  • and conceptual spaces;
  • integrated care; 
  • Nursing theory: future history - why they still matter;
  • quality assurance and care values;
  • multidisciplinary care and interprofessional education;
  • diagrams that care;
  • student contribution;
  • patient, service user contribution;
  • .... ?
The distance learning Technology Enhanced Learning course is stimulating many other insights. The learning is very collaborative and a great demonstrator in so many ways. The recent trip to London and meeting at London South Bank University also stressed the need for publishing in the 'popular' nursing press. Recent writing (recovery, recovery model) and studies also points to not being tied to original purposes of Hodges' model - but going beyond this ... far beyond: global health integration, health literacy, self-care, methodological approaches to critique and investigate Hodges' model. ...

Friday, 14 March 2014

So many gardens: Press Release [ now ]

It had to happen. Twice over.

The irony that just as so many homes with older people living in them have gardens that are in a state of neglect, so too do many nursing and care homes.

Of course this is a sign in those domestics homes of reduced abilities.

In the residential care and nursing homes, garden neglect is reassuring.
A $ure sign that the love and spending is on the blooms inside?

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Is it a Ship, Mars Mission I, a Biscuit, IPO, or Cyber Attack ...?


It's a 3rd year student nurse, 
several in fact
on their careers.

It is quite a poignant life changing and affirming moment for everyone involved. Of course, there are instances were qualification is problematic, but this is about the +ve.

For the student of course, this represents a great achievement and the realisation of the responsibilities that suddenly apply. This is tempered by preceptorship as mentor and sign-off mentors remind and reassure.

Our students have jobs and this is heartening to hear. They really are off and up-and-running.

There are graduation celebrations and parties to follow for them, but this past week I wondered about another way to signify this literally professional defining event. A way that accompanies and yet transcends the final page 'sign-off' that clearly does carry volumes of meaning and learning.

There was a fleeting thought that I shared: should I form an arch with the student's mentor for the student to pass through? A laugh.

Heaven forbid that this week and day should be for any student an anticlimax. Speaking of heaven there are of course pledges out there. Which also includes:

Nursing is an art;
and if it is to be made an art,
it requires as exclusive a devotion,
as hard a preparation,
as any painter's or sculptor's work;

for what is the having to do with
dead canvas or cold marble,
compared with having to do with the
living body - the temple of God's spirit?

It is one of the Fine Arts;
I had almost said
the finest of the Fine Arts

- Florence Nightingale, 1868.

As I would like to pass on the (twinned-)baton that is Hodges' model, could there be a form of words that can reflect the entry of a new nurse into our midst; an exchange of words that captures the moment for the student, the mentors, nursing and the public we care for and with?

This may seem twee, archaic, a nod to times of formality, the sense of duty, vocation and hierarchy. This wouldn't be about hierarchy, experience yes. It would be reflexive, a dialogue between these 'professionals' that acknowledges the student's rite of passage, the present moment and the collective future of nursing, of caring and their position in time and the professions' values.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

THE LANCET From public to planetary health: a manifesto

A new vision for planetary health

Copyright: European Space Agency/Science Photo Library
This manifesto for transforming public health calls for a social movement to support collective public health action at all levels of society. Our aim is to respond to the threats we face: threats to human health and wellbeing, threats to the sustainability of our civilisation, and threats to the natural and human-made systems that support us.

Our vision is for a planet that nourishes and sustains the diversity of life with which we co-exist and on which we depend. Our goal is to create a movement for planetary health.

If you agree with the broad thrust of the manifesto (not necessarily every detail), please register your agreement here.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

International Women's Day 2014 “Equality for women is progress for all” He for She

8 March is International Women’s Day, #IWD2014! 

This year, the theme is “Equality for women is progress for all”.

In order to achieve gender equality, we have to change what it means to be a man. For International
Women’s Day [@UN Women] highlights in its #HeforShe initiative men leaders who stand up for gender equality.
“Women’s empowerment works for men, too. Where men and women have equal rights and opportunities, societies prosper. I am a He for She.”
-Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General. 

See what other prominent men from around the world have to say: #IWD2014

Friday, 7 March 2014

Living with Practical Realities, 1978: Courtesy the Artist © Stephen Willats

Within Intermediate Support, Older Adults we are short-staffed at present. I was asked to work this Saturday - tomorrow - but was able to take Wednesday off. This helpfully coincided with a half-day event in Liverpool - Developing (research) proposals for Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB).

In the afternoon I took two hours (with reading to do also) at the Tate, this included:

Keywords: Art, Culture and Society in 1980s Britain

The exhibition included the three photographs displayed below by Stephen Willats. They are usually presented side-by-side. Since the 1970s and 80s the photographs made me wonder about social policy, social care, change and progress.

I was also prompted to recall a visit to a pensioner's club with my nan (maternal grandmother as we called her) in Liverpool in 1969-70.
[Clicking on the photos provides a more legible copy, or see collection link below ].

humanistic ------------------------------------------- mechanistic


group - population

Image source:
Stephen Willats
Living with Practical Realities, 1978
Letraset, gouache and ink on card
3 panels, each 109 x 76 cm

Collection: Tate London

Courtesy the Artist
© Stephen Willats

Monday, 3 March 2014

The limitations of the healthcare sector

decades there 
have been recurring 
issues, austerity measures, 
requirements, policy challenges, 
policy initiatives, gaps between theory 
and practice, a crisis in compassionate care, 
rising waiting times and a plethora of other concerns.

All these then and much more 
affect the

Clearly, there is no 'magic wand', but there must be a way to address some of the difficulties? 
Within health and social care, locally, nationally and globally we need a tool to help improve interprofessional reflective practice, to support person-centered, holistic care across physical, emotional, social, political and spiritual domains of care. 

The future demands a resource (free, open, easy to learn) that can also facilitate self-care, health literacy and the many carers within families and communities.
So, how big is your picture?

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Drupalcamp London 2014: The Government Digital Service, Drupal 8 Multilingual features, Twig
Flood hack
DrupalCamp London today got underway with a keynote Delivering User-centred Digital Services by Mark O'Neill from the UK Government Digital Service.

Given the record of public and private sector led IT projects it was refreshing to hear of the GDS's approach being user-centred, the extension of 7 design principles and Mark's previous experience. It's clearly too late for the health care sector to coin and create the Needotron - GDS beat us to it.

Drupal 8 is looking formidable both in its potential and the (learning) stack it presents. Another great session to pick out was - A whole new world for multilingual sites in Drupal 8 by Gábor Hojtsy. The progress here is phenomenal and even though incomplete it is a major achievement and a credit to the Drupal community.

It's humbling as it reminds me to post some introductions to Hodges' model on W2tQ in several languages.

As to being user-centred, the Harmony Forum is a real tease. I know a forum will not moderate itself (is that the new Sorcerer's Apprentice?) and yet time is of the essence. Harmony is one for me to watch - so I'm signed up for the newsletter. Two sessions on Twig and Entities rounded up a busy few days.

This began on Thursday with Cutty Sark, the Royal Greenwich Observatory (learned much from their interactive designs), Turner and the Sea, The British Library - Beautiful Science (60-90 mins ample), and Ibsen's Ghosts at Trafalgar Studios.

I was also able to visit a university yesterday and meet a member of faculty who used Hodges' model many years ago. Here's hoping that some of the materials can be retrieved even though it seems unlikely. I hope to keep in touch with this nursing contact (and not just for the dinner!). I've met several other people here, the Drupal community is another great asset - and with thanks to the sponsors who make these events feasible for many of us.

Output from Needotron

I'll end this post back with Mr O'Neill and the GDS.

I wonder to what extent healthcare figured in the flood deliberations?

It seems that an output from the Needotron may not be so far removed from h2cm?

Happy St David's Day too - in the closing minutes here!