(co-located with MODELS'13 in Miami, Florida, USA, September 30, 2013)
Through a series of creativity, lateral thinking, and brainstorming activities, the Modeling Outside the Box (MOTB) workshop will ask participants to think outside the box and imagine different, radical, innovative forms of model-driven engineering (MDE). Participants will be asked to leave behind all their preconceived notions of MDE and to approach the issue of MDE from a different angle. This will be a highly interactive workshop in which facilitators will use tried-and-tested methods for fostering creativity to generate fresh new ideas for MDE. The aim is to avoid the blinkered thinking and tunnel vision that is a natural consequence of any mature discipline. The outcomes will be new connections between people and, hopefully, new ideas that may lead to future research collaborations.
We are looking for people who are willing to step outside their particular areas of expertise or interest and join with other positive-thinking individuals to imagine alternative futures for MDE. If you have been frustrated with the current state of MDE practice and want to change, then we want you!
We are asking all potential participants to fill in a short 2 page application form
and submit it in pdf format via EasyChair
The application form is just meant to ensure a diverse mix of people with a range of experiences are represented as creativity works best when there is diversity. In particular, we are aiming for a mix of senior people and junior people, including students. We encourage both academics and practitioners to join us. We will try our best to accept all applications.
We cannot promise that the world will change if you come to this workshop.
We can promise that you will meet like-minded individuals, that you will get a chance to have proper conversations with them rather than just listening to presentations, and that your way of thinking will be challenged.
Your friendly organizers are Jon Whittle, Nelly Bencomo, and Gunter Mussbacher.
Feel free to contact them at modelingoutsidethebox2013-info@site.uottawa.ca
if you have any questions or just want more information.
There will be no presentations or papers in workshop proceedings.
Furthermore, while MODELS’13 allows participants to move between workshops, this is not conducive to creative thinking. We therefore ask applicants to commit to spending the whole day with MOTB.
Deadline for Application: Sunday, August 4, 2013, 23:59:59, Pago Pago, American Samoa time
Notification Sent to Participants: Monday, August 12, 2013
Workshop: Monday, September 30, 2013
I realise this is not models of nursing, and it is a workshop with a specific focus - MDE - it is also rather short notice. The appeal for me is the aims of the workshops and how it encourages a socio-technical approach. I'm sure that h2cm could inform proceedings. Thinking outside the box means you first must identify them.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Monday, 29 July 2013
“Social Media and Healthcare”: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Vacancy at University College Dublin
From: diane.payne at UCD.IE
Subject: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Vacancy at University College Dublin (Ref 006056)
The Dynamics Lab at University College Dublin seeks applications for a Post-doctoral position. The position will provide salary and benefits for 16 months, but potentially longer contingent upon performance and funding availability. This is an academic research role, where you will conduct a specified programme of research supported by research training and development under the supervision and direction of a Principal Investigator.
The postdoc will work primarily on the UCD Strategic and Major Initiative research project “Social Media and Healthcare”. The postdoc will be expected to be able to collect and analyse large scale data sets drawn from various social media platforms and including facebook, twitter, blogs and others. The postdoc joins an interdisciplinary project team to develop innovative and new insights in how communication and interaction on social media impacts on individual behavioural choices with regard to own healthcare management.
It is hoped that this position can commence on 23rd September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. For more information, please go to http://www.ucd.ie/hr/jobvacancies/ and look for Reference 006056
Closing date: 16th August 2013
Dr Diane Payne
Dynamics Lab, UCD
Subject: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Vacancy at University College Dublin (Ref 006056)
The Dynamics Lab at University College Dublin seeks applications for a Post-doctoral position. The position will provide salary and benefits for 16 months, but potentially longer contingent upon performance and funding availability. This is an academic research role, where you will conduct a specified programme of research supported by research training and development under the supervision and direction of a Principal Investigator.
The postdoc will work primarily on the UCD Strategic and Major Initiative research project “Social Media and Healthcare”. The postdoc will be expected to be able to collect and analyse large scale data sets drawn from various social media platforms and including facebook, twitter, blogs and others. The postdoc joins an interdisciplinary project team to develop innovative and new insights in how communication and interaction on social media impacts on individual behavioural choices with regard to own healthcare management.
It is hoped that this position can commence on 23rd September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. For more information, please go to http://www.ucd.ie/hr/jobvacancies/ and look for Reference 006056
Closing date: 16th August 2013
Dr Diane Payne
Dynamics Lab, UCD
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Training Needs of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses: Study
Dear all,
We're currently collecting data for a study regarding the training needs of psychiatric mental health nurses in collaboration with Horatio - European psychiatric nurses. Anyone interested in receiving an online (editable pdf) self administered questionnaire or a printed version is more than welcome to contact me on / off list (stephendemicoli@yahoo.com).
Thanks in advance and kind regards to all,
Steve Demicoli
E-mail: stephendemicoli@yahoo.com
Source: Psychiatric Nursing list
The questionnaire is not long, I will be taking part.
We're currently collecting data for a study regarding the training needs of psychiatric mental health nurses in collaboration with Horatio - European psychiatric nurses. Anyone interested in receiving an online (editable pdf) self administered questionnaire or a printed version is more than welcome to contact me on / off list (stephendemicoli@yahoo.com).
Thanks in advance and kind regards to all,
Steve Demicoli
E-mail: stephendemicoli@yahoo.com
Source: Psychiatric Nursing list
The questionnaire is not long, I will be taking part.
6Cs Live! Story of the Month - Competition
Dear Peter,
Don't forget to make your 6Cs Live! pledge: www.6cs.england.nhs.uk
We wanted to let you know about our new and exciting Story of the Month competition, in partnership with Nursing Times online.
This is your chance to really shout about the great work that you or your team is doing that underpins the values of the 6Cs – and what’s more, if you win you will be featured in Nursing Times online and 6Cs Live! Communications Hub.
So please take the time to fill in the short entry form on the 6Cs! Live Communication Hub – it’s not too long and time consuming we promise.
Click here to find out more and access all the information you need.
Each month the entries will be reviewed by four judges, Matthew Hodson (COPD Nurse Consultant at the Homerton University Hospital, London), Sam Sherrington (Head of Nursing and Midwifery Strategy at NHS England), Jenni Middleton (editor of Nursing Times) and Matt King who is a lawyer, professional speaker, charity campaigner and 6Cs Live! Patient Champion.
The deadline for August entries is Friday 2nd August so you’ve still got a chance to be our first winner of ‘Story of the Month’.
We look forward to hearing from you and good luck!
6Cs Live! Team
Don't forget to make your 6Cs Live! pledge: www.6cs.england.nhs.uk
basic nursing care,
dignity and respect,
holistic competency,
human rights,
learning disability,
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Global Research Nurses’ Network discussion: Nearly Free Nursing Colleges - Mental Health Nursing Rwanda
Nearly Free Nursing Colleges
I have been working in mental health nursing in Rwanda, I have seen a significant need for a mental health nurses handbook and guide. At the request of the faculty at Kigali Health Institute, I have complied two electronic texts.
1.Mental Health Nursing I: Diagnosis, Treatment Guidelines and Standards of Care : The African Context. and
2.Mental Health Nursing II: Vulnerable Populations of Africa and Emerging Best Practices.
They have links to research, questions that guide the student reading, and then clinical cases for integration of what they have learned in each chapter. They are based on an 8 week course with 3 classes per week.
I would like to place them on the internet for free access but don't know how that is done.
They would be applicable for any nurses, mental health or general nurses working in post-conflict countries. The first handbook uses heavily the WHO MH Gap intervention guide which is excellent and COHSASA standards of care. The second book includes mental health in primary care, chronic mentally ill in villages, pregnant women and infants, refugees, women who are victims of gender based violence, Incarcerated mentally ill, and traditional healers. It is challenging but could be available to anyone with motivation and an internet connection.
Perhaps resources like this could be compiled into a program of study with internet oversight. I would be interested in pursuing this concept with others. I will be returning to the US in a few days but would like to see these ebook widely distributed and utilized. Does anyone have any ideas how this could be accomplished?
Reply by Carole Bennett
I have been working in mental health nursing in Rwanda, I have seen a significant need for a mental health nurses handbook and guide. At the request of the faculty at Kigali Health Institute, I have complied two electronic texts.
1.Mental Health Nursing I: Diagnosis, Treatment Guidelines and Standards of Care : The African Context. and
2.Mental Health Nursing II: Vulnerable Populations of Africa and Emerging Best Practices.
They have links to research, questions that guide the student reading, and then clinical cases for integration of what they have learned in each chapter. They are based on an 8 week course with 3 classes per week.
I would like to place them on the internet for free access but don't know how that is done.
They would be applicable for any nurses, mental health or general nurses working in post-conflict countries. The first handbook uses heavily the WHO MH Gap intervention guide which is excellent and COHSASA standards of care. The second book includes mental health in primary care, chronic mentally ill in villages, pregnant women and infants, refugees, women who are victims of gender based violence, Incarcerated mentally ill, and traditional healers. It is challenging but could be available to anyone with motivation and an internet connection.
Perhaps resources like this could be compiled into a program of study with internet oversight. I would be interested in pursuing this concept with others. I will be returning to the US in a few days but would like to see these ebook widely distributed and utilized. Does anyone have any ideas how this could be accomplished?
global health,
mental health,
nurse education,
open access,
Sunday, 21 July 2013
1st Mental Health and Well-Being Conference of Ghana “Understanding, inclusion and stigma reduction”
cultural diversity,
human rights,
knowledge and skills,
mental health,
social justice,
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Friday, 19 July 2013
Call for papers: the science and practice of people-centred health systems
![]() |
Cover: Health Policy and Planning |
People-centred health systems are founded on pro-people philosophies of social justice and equity, recognize the role of social exclusion and inequities as determinants of poor health, and can also actively work to address them. They consider the health needs and preferences of individuals, families and communities, and create the channels through which these can be articulated and realized. They also recognize and actively progress people’s rights to participate in and determine how health systems are organized, resources are allocated, and services are delivered.
The idea of people-centred health systems also encompasses the rights and needs of people who work in and for the health system in various roles - as carers, health workers, advocates, administrators, planners and researchers. It also recognizes that important decisions that determine health system performance at all levels are made by specific people (individuals and groups in the public and private sectors) - highlighting the importance of collecttive duties toward the advancement of health, and of identifying responsibility and ensuring accountability for health system outcomes.
Finally, the concept of people-centred health systems also acknowledges that health systems operate in broader social, political and economic contexts that are of human creation, and the need to respond to all factors that affect health rather than focusing only on biomedically driven solutions.
Full manuscripts on the theme of “the science and practice of people centred health systems” should be submitted to Health Policy and Planning by 18 November 2013 through the submission link on the journal website (http://heapol.oxfordjournals.org/). Original research articles as well as review papers are invited. Submissions that have a first-author who is a resident in a low and middle-income country are particularly encouraged. Accepted papers will be published as a special journal supplement prior to the Symposium, which will take place in Cape Town, South Africa, 30 September - 3 October, 2014.
The full text of the call contains suggested topics, details of the selection process and author information.
For further queries, contact Kabir Sheikh (kabir.sheikh AT phfi.org) or Michael Kent Ranson (ransonm AT who.int).
c/o HIFA2015
decision support,
global health,
social justice,
Sunday, 14 July 2013
ERCIM News No. 94 Special theme: "Intelligent Cars" (memory and driving - PJ)
Dear ERCIM News Reader,
ERCIM News No. 94 has just been published at
Special Theme: "Intelligent Cars"
Guest editors: Jaroslav Machan (Å KODA AUTO a.s., Czech Republic) and Christian Laugier (Inria, France)
Keynote: "Collaborative Mobility – Beyond Communicating Vehicles"
by Ilja Radusch, Ilja Radusch, head of department “Automotive Services and Communication Technologies” at Fraunhofer FOKUS and head of the Daimler Center for Automotive IT Innovations
This issue for download
pdf: http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/images/stories/EN94/EN94-web.pdf
epub format: http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/images/stories/EN94/EN94.epub
Next issue: No. 95, October 2013 - Special Theme: "Image Understanding" (see Call at http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/call)
Thank you for your interest in ERCIM News.
Feel free to forward this message to others who might be interested.
Peter Kunz
ERCIM News central editor
ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics - aims to foster collaborative work within the European research community and to increase co-operation with European industry. Leading European research institutes are members of ERCIM. ERCIM is the European host of W3C.
Each issue of ERCIM NEWS is a gift and for me it does not have to be a special theme that speaks directly to the health care, informatics or education communities. I have followed this publication and posted on W2tQ about many fascinating new issues. I'm sure it is over a decade ago since I also subscribed to Technicity, a magazine from Daimler. I bring the two publications together for two reasons (not due to sponsorship - how I wish):
Firstly, this is such a difficult time socio-economically in the EU, evinced in the proportions of younger adults who are unemployed. Publications like this show the opportunities for young people who aspire, but to do so they need the support and opportunities. Safety, design, materials science, energy systems and storage, city transport infrastructure and planning, security, nanotechnology, communications, vehicular informatics ... the possibilities for youths are amazing. In turn, however we need to recognize and respond to the employment potential of those whose path is not primarily academic and research based.
Secondly, in community mental health nursing services for older adults we often come across people who are still driving when their competency is most likely compromised. They should report an admission to hospital, prescribed medication or a specific diagnosis to the DVLA. ERCIM and Technicity both presage the arrival of autonomous vehicles. At present of course an 'intelligent car' depends on the intelligence of the driver. Which is why we get so annoyed when someone drives like an *^%$£!
Driving is a great responsibility and privilege. It is central to who we are, how we define ourselves, our independence, sustaining real social networks and - in my case livelihood. I recognised decades ago there will come a time to hand over the keys. Doing so gracefully, informed by insight and self-awareness is the trick. I don't envy family doctors who have to deal with this when a patient insists that they are safe behind the wheel. Sometimes we are ageist, hoping that a meeting with their doctor of some 20-30 years might carry some gravitas that their generation will still respond to. Add to this though that the person concerned is not always elderly. It can be very difficult for the driver (person, patient) concerned and their families too. Amid all this, as a community nurse you are trying to establish trust, empathy and rapport. Each time this issue is encountered: it is novel.
I don't want to suggest that suddenly the person behind the wheel is 'unintelligent', far from it. Evidence shows that a diagnosis of dementia does not immediately mean surrender of a driver's license. Behind dementia, however lie altered faculties that add up to more than synonyms: cognitive impairment, impaired perception, recall, and decision making, reduced concentration and attention. I thought there might be something in this issue of ERCIM related to dementia; monitoring the physiological state of the driver, reactions, attention, stress levels, eye movement. Is there a signature for health in driving behaviours?
Unlike other methods of detecting tiredness, the Mercedes-Benz system evaluates a series of indicators in order to assess the alertness of the driver and to recognise the gradual transition between being awake and being tired. AME.infoOur sense of being, of personhood is heightened by movement. When do we feel most alive? What is the most important factor in health and well-being? There are moments when we are stationary and time passes us by. There are other occasions when we move through time. We literally project our ego through time. We enjoy sharing with friends where will be in the future and when we can also suspend time. Cars and air travel extend these abilities, AND mobilities.
The danger is when we pass through not only time but distance at speed without a reliable sense of judgement, without a wholly coherent sense of self and responsibility.
In the not too distant future all this of course could lead us to a new definition of self-care at least in this context?
"Self-care - put your trust in a self-driving vehicle"
SOME PAPERS via Athens: (other suggestions welcome)
Title: Driving and dementia: what nurses need to know.
Citation: Journal of Gerontological Nursing, Aug 2011, vol. 37, no. 8, p. 10-13, 0098-9134 (August 2011)
Author(s): Flanagan, Nina M.
Source: BNI
Title: Driving with dementia.
Citation: Nursing in the Community, Jan 2005, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 27., 1649-0657 (Jan-Feb 2005)
Source: BNI
Title: Transitions in dementia care: theoretical support for nursing roles.
Citation: Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, May 2012, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 14 unnumbered pages, 1091-3734 (May 2012)
Author(s): Rose, Karen M*, Lopez, Ruth Palan
Source: BNI
Title: Dementia and driving: screening, assessment and advice.
Citation: Lancet, Oct 1996, vol. 348, no. 9035, p. 1114., 0140-6736 (October 26, 1996)
Author(s): O'Neill, D
Source: BNI
Title: Imposed versus involved: different strategies to effect driving cessation in cognitively impaired older adults.
Citation: Geriatric Nursing, Mar 2005, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 111-116, 0197-4572 (Mar-Apr 2005)
Author(s): Jett, K, Tappen, R, Rosselli, M
Source: BNI
Title: A prospective study of cognitive tests to predict performance on a standardised road test in people with dementia.
Citation: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, May 2010, vol. 25, no. 5, p. 489-496, 0885-6230 (May 2010)
Author(s): Lincoln, N, Taylor, J, Vella, K
Source: BNI
Title: Effects of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment on driving ability: a controlled clinical study by simulated driving test.
Citation: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 01 March 2009, vol./is. 24/3(232-238), 08856230
Author(s): Frittelli C, Borghetti D, Iudice G, Bonanni E, Maestri M, Tognoni G, Pasquali L, Iudice A
Source: CINAHL
Title: A community based survey of cognitive functioning, highway-code performance and traffic accidents in a cohort of older drivers.
Citation: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 01 March 2009, vol./is. 24/3(247-253), 08856230
Author(s): Ingley S, Chinnaswamy S, Devakumar M, Bell D, Tranter R
Source: CINAHL
Additional links:
Alzheimer’s Society - Driving and dementia
DVLA, UK Guide to the current medical standards of fitness to drive
The University of Nottingham - Predicting fitness to drive speed = (total distance traveled)/(total time taken)
human factors,
intelligent systems,
knowledge engineering,
Friday, 12 July 2013
BCS: Webinar - Standards for the delivery of patient-centred care in the Safer Hospitals, Safer Wards initiative
Healthcare information standards are essential for the delivery of joined-up patient information and joined-up patient care, in the DoH Information Strategy and in the NHS ‘Safer Hospitals, Safer Wards’ Technology Fund. The establishment of Integrated Digital Care Records (IDCR) across all care settings is a firm expectation by 2018 according to the Secretary of State for Health.
This free webinar provides vital orientation for managers, clinicians and IT staff wishing to participate in these initiatives, who need to understand:
To register for the free webinar please cut and paste the following link into your browser:
This free webinar provides vital orientation for managers, clinicians and IT staff wishing to participate in these initiatives, who need to understand:
- Why standards – their role in better patient care
- How standards should be applied in the NHS ‘Safer Hospitals, Safer Wards’ Technology Fund
- Which standards to use for exchange and storage of clinical documents
- Which standards to use for mobile health devices and applications
- Practical experience in the deployment of standards
- Neil Robinson: IHE UK Chair:
- Introduction and Closing Remarks
- Kathy Farndon: Head of Health Information Standards and IG NHS England:
- The Role of Standards
- Inderjit Singh: NHS England:
- Safer Hospitals, Safer Wards Technology Fund initiative
- Dr Robert Worden: HL7 UK:
- Clinical Documents and deployment of CDA & XDS
- Dr Justin Whatling: BCS Health Chair:
- The clinical need for standards
- Dr Dave Harvey: IHE UK:
- Standards needs in mobile applications
To register for the free webinar please cut and paste the following link into your browser:
Integrated Digital Care Records,
patient-centred care,
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Computer-based 'avatar' therapy promising for persecutory auditory hallucinations
A study in the British Journal of Psychiatry has reported symptom reductions among patients hearing voices, who developed computerised 'avatars' of the voices and then engaged in dialogue with them. When compared with treatment as usual during a randomised trial, the therapy group showed mean reductions in scores for auditory hallucinations and for the omnipotence and malevolence of the voices. The researchers conclude: 'Patients who are able to sustain a dialogue with their persecutor feel much more in control.'Source:
BJP June 2013, 202:428-433
In addition see and listen to:
BBC Radio 4: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-23141916
mental health,
quality of life,
virtual reality
Monday, 8 July 2013
Four Fields
On my wish list:
Source image and text: Amazon
In his first book since the acclaimed The Running Sky Tim Dee tells the story of four green fields. Four fields spread around the world: their grasses, their hedges, their birds, their skies, and their natural and human histories. Four real fields - walkable, mappable, man-made, mowable and knowable, but also secretive, mysterious, wild, contested and changing. Four fields - the oldest and simplest and truest measure of what a man needs in life - looked at, thought about, worked in, lived with, written.Dee's four fields, which he has known for more than twenty years, are the fen field at the bottom of his Cambridgeshire garden, a field in southern Zambia, a prairie field in Little Bighorn, Montana, USA, and a grass meadow in the exclusion zone at Chernobyl, Ukraine. Meditating on these four fields, Dee makes us look anew at where we live and how. He argues that we must attend to what we have made of the wild, to look at and think about the way we have messed things up but also to notice how we have kept going alongside nature, to listen to the conversation we have had with grass and fields.
Four Fields is a profound, lyrical book by one of Britain's very best writers about nature.
Source image and text: Amazon
human ecology,
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Part II: Pensioners, 'Health students' and Children
For decades the reactive health care system has been founded, loved and sustained through the primary care - secondary care hospital system, together with its complex range of referral systems and processes.
Now demographic trends and economic pressures have seen the emergence and ongoing development of the virtual hospital. Call centers and teams that deliver nursing and medical care in the home to prevent admission and facilitating early discharge are still basically reactive.
What is needed is a cognitive hospital.
A form of hospital that acknowledges the health care system but can finally progress the preventive agenda on an individual, educational basis, fostering self-efficacy, health literacy and if necessary self-care.
Now demographic trends and economic pressures have seen the emergence and ongoing development of the virtual hospital. Call centers and teams that deliver nursing and medical care in the home to prevent admission and facilitating early discharge are still basically reactive.
What is needed is a cognitive hospital.
A form of hospital that acknowledges the health care system but can finally progress the preventive agenda on an individual, educational basis, fostering self-efficacy, health literacy and if necessary self-care.
cognitive antidote,
conceptual framework,
health promotion,
preventive medicine,
Friday, 5 July 2013
Part I: Pensioners, 'Health students' and Children NHS@75?
As the NHS celebrated its 65th birthday its mobility is clearly challenged.
There are signs of furniture-walking now. Admittedly, there are no asylums now to step from to the cottage hospital, oops nearly! Phew - made it - to the fever hospital. Thankfully, those mobility aids are no more - a great sign of progress.
The pressure for ongoing change is relentless. This week's HSJ is highlighting the true fact on its cover:
There's also a six month exercise by PWC - NHS@75
There are many strands one of which has the following graphic:
If the public is to be informed and proactive about their health then we had better start now....
Medikidz is absolutely great - depression is in there - but as PWC's initiative shows the NHS@75... is going to need much more than explaining illnesses.
Medikidz image: http://www.themarysue.com/medikidz-comic/
There are signs of furniture-walking now. Admittedly, there are no asylums now to step from to the cottage hospital, oops nearly! Phew - made it - to the fever hospital. Thankfully, those mobility aids are no more - a great sign of progress.
The pressure for ongoing change is relentless. This week's HSJ is highlighting the true fact on its cover:
There's also a six month exercise by PWC - NHS@75
There are many strands one of which has the following graphic:
If the public is to be informed and proactive about their health then we had better start now....
Medikidz is absolutely great - depression is in there - but as PWC's initiative shows the NHS@75... is going to need much more than explaining illnesses.
Medikidz image: http://www.themarysue.com/medikidz-comic/
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Living in the Memory Room: BBC Radio 4
Some people have no choice - they must become time travellers ....
There are 800,000 dementia sufferers in the UK. Kim Normanton presents a personal programme about memory and dementia, inspired by her mother's illness. She explores a new approach to treatment - recreating the past.
As her mother's memory of recent events was destroyed ... more
community care,
home care,
life story,
mental health,
older people,
quality of life,
Monday, 1 July 2013
Hodges' model - DSM V: the Politics of (Well-being (Health [Mental Health])) salience, books and domains
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) 'salience' ‘Salience syndrome’ replaces ‘schizophrenia’ in DSM-V and ICD-11: psychiatry’s evidence-based entry into the 21st century? J. Van Os bereavement medical, bio-psycho-social, recovery model self-efficacy self-stigma DSM5 and Ethical Relativism Ultimate terminology: self, person, patient, service user, client, Mr, Miss ..... | Diagnostic process 'Evidence', objectivity, repeatability, validity, treatment, drugs
| ||
The history of DSM: APA : Wikipedia stigma social services social network (size, quality) anti-psychiatry social norms? Media: Books review - essay; Stevenson, T. (2013) Mind field, FT Weekend, May 25-26. p.8. | American Psychiatric Association APA dx revision watch Opinion - commentary: DSM-5: Caught between Mental Illness Stigma and Anti-Psychiatry Prejudice Is Criticism of DSM-5 'Anti-psychiatry'? Goldacre: Bad Pharma .... and much more...! |
group - population
Image: http://wellcomeimages.org/
Hodges Model,
mental health,
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