A defining characteristic of the next decade of biomedical research will be the explosion in the range and quantity of biomedical information, especially as it relates to individualized therapies. The purpose of this joint workshop is to discuss research challenges, results, methods and advances in the application of Semantic Web technologies to translating the wealth of biomedical information into therapies, tools, and care practices that improve health for patients and communities.
The workshop aims to attract researchers from Computer Science, Information Science, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics, and related areas to share research challenges, results, methods and advances in the appliance of Semantic Web technologies to two domains within Clinical and Translational research - bioinformatics and individualized medicine.
SATBI+SWIM 2012 has been divided in two separate tracks:
Track 1: SATBI (Semantic Applied Technologies on Biomedical Informatics)
Track 2: SWIM (Applying Semantic Web Technology for Clinical Decision Support and Cohort Identification in Individualized Medicine)
My source:
Alejandro Rodríguez González to semantic-web at list.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
SATBI+SWIM 2012 - Joint Workshop on Semantic Technologies Applied to Biomedical Informatics and Individualized Medicine - Call for Papers
decision support,
individualized medicine,
semantic web,
Friday, 27 July 2012
A World Record for Health Care: The 4 minute reflection
Of all the things that can be done within 4 minutes one of the most significant in the history of sport is undoubtedly who would be the first to run a mile in under four minutes:
In health care four minutes is both an age and an instant in someone's health career.
If we took four minutes to reflect upon a person's care across the care domains what difference might that make?
Just one minute per care domain to help deliver - personalised care, self-care, carer support, integration, health promotion and how to stay well. ...
In healthcare we are constantly seeking GOLD.
In health care four minutes is both an age and an instant in someone's health career.
If we took four minutes to reflect upon a person's care across the care domains what difference might that make?
Just one minute per care domain to help deliver - personalised care, self-care, carer support, integration, health promotion and how to stay well. ...
In healthcare we are constantly seeking GOLD.
Wherever you are have an amazing Olympics!
basic nursing care,
Hodges Model,
holistic care,
holistic competency,
holistic skills,
theory-practice gap
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Olympic Torches, History and Nostalgia for the Light
I never got to see the Olympic torch procession, although I crossed its path on a couple of occasions.
This for me has much significance +
In Euxton, Lancashire and more recently I found myself ahead of the relay in Oxford.
I saw a torch at the Disability Awareness Day in Warrington.
A prized possession: a keepsake of a lifetime.
Image source:
Over the weekend I went to see the film - Nostalgia for the Light. A documentary that is simultaneously challenging, troubling, poetic and beautiful. A journey through history in its multiple forms; astronomy, and archaeology - ancient and modern. The setting is the Atacama desert. The astronomers using various telescopes explore celestial bodies, taking advantage of the elevation and transparency of the sky. The extremely low humidity that also supports such observations also preserves human bodies. Not just those thousands of years old, but human bodies from more recent times. Those of Chile's "disappeared" those who have been found and those still lost to their families.
Skeletons abounded. Ancient mummies, more recent explorers and miners. I noticed how these skeletons can give up their secrets from belongings, clothing, identified by relatives.
How telescopes themselves are skeletized in their design to save weight, cost. Today the affluent can purchase a skeletized watch - to make a statement. Mechanism. To mark their personal history. History.
What legacy? What cost?
Around the world : dictatorship.
The search of the few for the many against the sun and the turn of stars.
Light seeking light, seeking peace and a final release.
human rights,
social justice,
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Your help needed to develop an instrument to measure ‘e-health literacy’
Researchers from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Deakin University, Australia are developing an instrument to measure ‘e-health literacy’ in current and future users of healthcare.
To develop this instrument they are undertaking a comprehensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. This includes the perspective of users of the healthcare system, as well as the perspective of ‘experts’, i.e. researchers, healthcare professionals, managers and policymakers.
They are looking for help with this task to ensure that the research is comprehensive, asking for your views and observations on what a person needs to be able to do in order to use digital health services (e-health). To do this there is an online survey, which takes about 3 to 5 minutes to complete.
Please complete the survey no later than Wednesday, 1 August 2012. The researchers will collate statements from all respondents over the next month or so. In a second e-mail, they will ask you to group and rank individual statements in terms of importance.
The output will be a comprehensive map of the key elements of e-health literacy. This information will be integrated with data generated from workshops with both health care users and professionals. The final goal is the production of an internationally relevant tool to measure e-health literacy.
If you wish to receive a copy of the results of this research, please indicate this on the last page of the survey.
Please follow this link to the
My source: Patient Information Forum via twitter
To develop this instrument they are undertaking a comprehensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. This includes the perspective of users of the healthcare system, as well as the perspective of ‘experts’, i.e. researchers, healthcare professionals, managers and policymakers.
They are looking for help with this task to ensure that the research is comprehensive, asking for your views and observations on what a person needs to be able to do in order to use digital health services (e-health). To do this there is an online survey, which takes about 3 to 5 minutes to complete.
Please complete the survey no later than Wednesday, 1 August 2012. The researchers will collate statements from all respondents over the next month or so. In a second e-mail, they will ask you to group and rank individual statements in terms of importance.
The output will be a comprehensive map of the key elements of e-health literacy. This information will be integrated with data generated from workshops with both health care users and professionals. The final goal is the production of an internationally relevant tool to measure e-health literacy.
If you wish to receive a copy of the results of this research, please indicate this on the last page of the survey.
Please follow this link to the
My source: Patient Information Forum via twitter
care literacy,
conceptual framework,
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
ICN Congress in Australia 2013: a symposium - you, me and another nursing colleague?
I posted previously about the aspiration of visiting Australia and presenting at the International Council of Nursing 25th Quadrennial Congress next May.

Instead of opting for a 15 minute concurrent session I am wondering about the possibility of collaborating with two other speakers to prepare a symposium session of 80 minutes. Copied below is a *draft* abstract that could be adapted to include and reflect other speaker’s motivations and interests. The word limit is 250 including title and author details. It would be marvellous not only to present h2cm at the ICN, but sharing the challenge to produce a presentation that is coherent and informs nursing theory and practice today and tomorrow.
The deadline for abstracts is 14th September so if this is going to happen it needs to be very soon; otherwise I will submit an abstract for a 15 minute session.
If you are interested please get in touch. There may be points I have missed, for example I plan on staying for three weeks. If you have a place I can stay with a teaching opportunity I'd be very grateful for your support and the teaching/learning opportunity. Please spread the word...
I know this approach is unorthodox, but this is 2012. If this does not happen next year there may be other opportunities. Thanks for listening...
Draft abstract:
Nursing is a discipline and profession with global aspirations in terms of supporting health for all. Professional recognition of nursing has in part been gained through the development of nursing theory and models of nursing. This presentation argues the need for a global, generic conceptual framework that has relevance for all nurses and citizens. While there is a marked variation - often for good reason - in nursing curricula having a common framework can provide a foundational standard, a conceptual basis for nursing that can serve as a common currency for dialogue.
Hodges' model, a conceptual framework created in the mid 1980s is the focus. This symposium is presented in three parts. Firstly, the characteristics of the model including its structure, content and original purposes are explained. Secondly, the model is demonstrated by mapping the themes of this congress. This exercise utilises the model’s knowledge domains, namely sciences, sociology, politics, interpersonal and spiritual. Finally, a critique is provided. As I seek to listen to patients, why should you listen? What does a 1980s model of nursing offer to professionals in the 20th century? Where do the values of nursing reside in what is yet another model of care, and how can this model affirm the positive aspects of nursing, global health care, well-being and self efficacy? What directions are there for further research? Additional resources will be signposted.
Image source:

Instead of opting for a 15 minute concurrent session I am wondering about the possibility of collaborating with two other speakers to prepare a symposium session of 80 minutes. Copied below is a *draft* abstract that could be adapted to include and reflect other speaker’s motivations and interests. The word limit is 250 including title and author details. It would be marvellous not only to present h2cm at the ICN, but sharing the challenge to produce a presentation that is coherent and informs nursing theory and practice today and tomorrow.
The deadline for abstracts is 14th September so if this is going to happen it needs to be very soon; otherwise I will submit an abstract for a 15 minute session.
If you are interested please get in touch. There may be points I have missed, for example I plan on staying for three weeks. If you have a place I can stay with a teaching opportunity I'd be very grateful for your support and the teaching/learning opportunity. Please spread the word...
I know this approach is unorthodox, but this is 2012. If this does not happen next year there may be other opportunities. Thanks for listening...
Draft abstract:
A global health care model for the challenges of twenty-first century care and self-efficacy
You?, me & presenter three?Nursing is a discipline and profession with global aspirations in terms of supporting health for all. Professional recognition of nursing has in part been gained through the development of nursing theory and models of nursing. This presentation argues the need for a global, generic conceptual framework that has relevance for all nurses and citizens. While there is a marked variation - often for good reason - in nursing curricula having a common framework can provide a foundational standard, a conceptual basis for nursing that can serve as a common currency for dialogue.
Hodges' model, a conceptual framework created in the mid 1980s is the focus. This symposium is presented in three parts. Firstly, the characteristics of the model including its structure, content and original purposes are explained. Secondly, the model is demonstrated by mapping the themes of this congress. This exercise utilises the model’s knowledge domains, namely sciences, sociology, politics, interpersonal and spiritual. Finally, a critique is provided. As I seek to listen to patients, why should you listen? What does a 1980s model of nursing offer to professionals in the 20th century? Where do the values of nursing reside in what is yet another model of care, and how can this model affirm the positive aspects of nursing, global health care, well-being and self efficacy? What directions are there for further research? Additional resources will be signposted.
Image source:
community care,
global health,
h2cm community,
Hodges Model,
mental health,
nurse education,
physical health,
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
ERCIM News No. 90 Special Theme: "Cybercrime and Privacy Issues"
Dear ERCIM News Reader,
ERCIM News No. 90 has just been published at
Special Theme: "Cybercrime and Privacy Issues"
Guest editors: Jean-Jacques Quisquater (Université catholique de Louvain), Solange Ghernaouti-Hélie (University of Lausanne), Jens Tölle and Peter Martini (Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE)
Keynote: "Current Cybersecurity Best Practices – a Clear and Present Danger to Privacy" by Roger R. Schell
ERCIM News 90 issue for download in pdf:
Next issue: No. 91, October 2012 - Special Theme: "What is Computation? Alan Turing's Legacy"
(see call at
Thank you for your interest in ERCIM News.
Feel free to forward this message to others who might be interested.
Peter Kunz
ERCIM News central editor

Special Theme: "Cybercrime and Privacy Issues"
Guest editors: Jean-Jacques Quisquater (Université catholique de Louvain), Solange Ghernaouti-Hélie (University of Lausanne), Jens Tölle and Peter Martini (Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE)
Keynote: "Current Cybersecurity Best Practices – a Clear and Present Danger to Privacy" by Roger R. Schell
ERCIM News 90 issue for download in pdf:
Next issue: No. 91, October 2012 - Special Theme: "What is Computation? Alan Turing's Legacy"
(see call at
Thank you for your interest in ERCIM News.
Feel free to forward this message to others who might be interested.
Peter Kunz
ERCIM News central editor
domain specific languages,
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Gestalt, patterns and models: pressing buttons
The three recent events have all in different ways emphasized the role of patterns.
Patterns were there at the Drupal Education Camp, then the Visual Methodologies Workshop and the Scottish Ruby Conference.
There is a lot of very informative content in .net magazine. In the two most recent issues a single page has proved a great help (Buttons gestalt, .net August 2012, p.74) and in the current issue (.net Summer 2012) page 72.
Gene Crawford notes that gestalt in graphic design refers to how a person will recognise and react to an element of something we've designed. Buttons are discussed as an essential part of any design. Crawford points out how a button is the end point in submitting a form, completing an action, or transaction of some form.
A button has to fit in with an overall design - so that as an individual element it shouts out its function, its potential; whether or not that potential is realised.
In case of a medical emergency there is only one button to press: that which activates emergency procedures.
When we are concerned to deliver health and social care the button we should press is: Hodges' model. This is a compound operation. One press activates four (five) buttons: four care domains. This is the umbilicus, not just the nexus, the physical 'belly' button, but the mind, the social, political and spiritual.
For holistic, reflective and integrated care viewing h2cm as a button begs we contemplate the potential that lies beneath. Beneath in the sense of what follows after the button is activated. This is precisely Gene's focus in the summer 2012 issue of .net Mental Models on page 72.
He points to a book: Mental Models Aligning Design Strategy With Human Behaviour, which I also learned of from a lady staying in Lund at the same B&B. Here the thought processes of a visitor to a web site are central. I have some old content - archive material, but vital and still central to understanding and the history of h2cm. How are visitors to navigate their way to find original content, what mental model do they bring even before they seek out menus and buttons. What expectations will they associate with the words and vocabulary of the website: Hodges' model, conceptual framework, structure, content, and conceptual spaces?
I often think of h2cm as a care (information) architecture and Crawford notes the need for empathy with users as a website is designed. So, closer than ever these worlds: nursing and websites. ...
Patterns were there at the Drupal Education Camp, then the Visual Methodologies Workshop and the Scottish Ruby Conference.
There is a lot of very informative content in .net magazine. In the two most recent issues a single page has proved a great help (Buttons gestalt, .net August 2012, p.74) and in the current issue (.net Summer 2012) page 72.
Gene Crawford notes that gestalt in graphic design refers to how a person will recognise and react to an element of something we've designed. Buttons are discussed as an essential part of any design. Crawford points out how a button is the end point in submitting a form, completing an action, or transaction of some form.
A button has to fit in with an overall design - so that as an individual element it shouts out its function, its potential; whether or not that potential is realised.
In case of a medical emergency there is only one button to press: that which activates emergency procedures.
When we are concerned to deliver health and social care the button we should press is: Hodges' model. This is a compound operation. One press activates four (five) buttons: four care domains. This is the umbilicus, not just the nexus, the physical 'belly' button, but the mind, the social, political and spiritual.
For holistic, reflective and integrated care viewing h2cm as a button begs we contemplate the potential that lies beneath. Beneath in the sense of what follows after the button is activated. This is precisely Gene's focus in the summer 2012 issue of .net Mental Models on page 72.
He points to a book: Mental Models Aligning Design Strategy With Human Behaviour, which I also learned of from a lady staying in Lund at the same B&B. Here the thought processes of a visitor to a web site are central. I have some old content - archive material, but vital and still central to understanding and the history of h2cm. How are visitors to navigate their way to find original content, what mental model do they bring even before they seek out menus and buttons. What expectations will they associate with the words and vocabulary of the website: Hodges' model, conceptual framework, structure, content, and conceptual spaces?
I often think of h2cm as a care (information) architecture and Crawford notes the need for empathy with users as a website is designed. So, closer than ever these worlds: nursing and websites. ...
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Reflections on: Designing for Self-Care - the home-clinic difference
As much as I might like to I will not be able to attend Copenhagen and the workshop details of which I posted yesterday. Reading the call for papers prompted the following reflections - many of which may not be relevant to the actual workshop content, but hopefully help illustrate Hodges' model:
As the workshop concerns home - clinic difference and designing for self-care this prompted me to a more detailed consideration of the 'distances' involved. Not just in the physical geographical sense of home-clinic travel (car, walking, public transport, disabled transport) but when last the citizen (patient) visited various locations.
There are many other dimensions of course ... the final context reduces the above to something manageable.
literacy - health literacy, cognitive access, insight, memory, education, communication, attitudes, motivation*, beliefs, BEFORE-AFTER holistic measures, mental health, mood, context, therapeutic modalities, self-recording, person-al purposes - process reconciliation, coding / classification, self data capture, expectations, general health perception, sleep, leisure, independence level (self-efficacy), individual 'clinic' need / attendance, rating of existing clinical relationships, DOO - (presence of) differences of opinion* | physical interface modalities: touch, gesture, eye movement, video interviews; clinical diagnoses (primary), observations, assessment-measures, data capture, medications, lab tests, pain, 'distances' (several not just home-clinic); treatment/drugs - training, mobility (room count, vistas), info prescription, other media - learning materials, self-care tasks (granularity, number, complexity, ...), clinic-al purposes - process reconciliation, evidenced interventions, coding / classification, home adaptations?, experience of telecare? mobile apps? home IT / comms, chronological:pathological age definitions: long term- / chronic |
life story, narrative medicine, quality of life, care history - duration / exposure to care systems, domestic relationships, primary care / nursing (multidisciplinary care) relationships, perceived integration of care, social network, access to day care / respite care, definitions - shared vocabulary, self-care folksonomy? (virtual) community creation (outcomes)? affordances, meaning of 'clinic' attendance, 'CKO-X' Carer's Knowledge of | autonomy, power in the home: My space?, service interfaces, available specialist services, responsiveness, support, best interests, privacy, budgets (self), protocol - referrals, political emphasis: physical-mental health? predefined benefits, economic impacts, savings, policy reach, implications for commissioning |
As the workshop concerns home - clinic difference and designing for self-care this prompted me to a more detailed consideration of the 'distances' involved. Not just in the physical geographical sense of home-clinic travel (car, walking, public transport, disabled transport) but when last the citizen (patient) visited various locations.
There are many other dimensions of course ... the final context reduces the above to something manageable.
4-fold care,
care design,
health literacy,
Hodges Model,
holistic care,
quality of life,
Monday, 9 July 2012
1st Int. Workshop on Designing for Self-Care: Acknowledging the home-clinic difference
We invite position papers and works-in-progress papers for the first international workshop on "Designing for self-care: Acknowledging the home-clinic difference" to be held alongside NordiCHI on 14th October, at the IT-University of Copenhagen.
Kindly consider submitting your work, and / or share with your network.
Naveen Bagalkot
Workshop theme: Supporting the movement of care across boundaries
We invite position papers and works-in-progress papers for the first international workshop on "Designing for self-care: Acknowledging the home-clinic difference" to be held alongside NordiCHI on 14th October, at the IT-University of Copenhagen.
Kindly consider submitting your work, and / or share with your network.
Naveen Bagalkot
----------------------------- Call For Papers -----------------------------
![]() |
Image source: The CfP website |
Increasingly successful healthcare involves moving the care activities across the clinic-home boundaries. The field of HCI has increasingly explored ways to design digital technological tools to support this movement of care beyond the boundaries of a clinic.
However, the clinic and the home offer different settings, shaping the care activities in different ways. Acknowledging this difference of settings, opens up the space for various positions that designers can take for the design for self-care. We identify three key positions:
- Home as a place for caring: A focus on supporting the citizens to perform self-care activities at home that may (or may not) involve a larger network of family, friends, home care nurses, volunteers and home care workers.
- Clinic as a place for caring: A focus on supporting the care-givers at the clinic to prescribe home-based care activities to the citizens, and monitor how these are being complied with.
- Moving across the boundaries: A focus on supporting the citizens to move across the clinic-home boundaries, bringing with them materials from the clinic to home, and sharing the self-care activities from home with their care-givers at the clinic.
We offer these three positions as a starting point to invite researchers and practitioners working in this space of designing digital technological tools for self-care to become part of the workshop discourse. In particular we invite them to submit their positions in a 4-page ACM SIGCHI extended abstract format, based on their own empirical experiences and / or theoretical deliberations.
Workshop goals
- To bring together researchers from HCI and interaction design, and professional caregivers, to discuss and outline the challenges and promises posed by the different individual settings for care, and moving across these settings.
- To share insights from a range of cases about the challenges and successful strategies in designing digital technology for self-care.
- To explore promising design strategies and approaches for dealing with the challenges and promises posed by the different settings of care.
Workshop Outcomes
All accepted papers should bring a poster representing their paper to the workshop. This will be used during the workshop and its discussions. While shorter presentation of each paper will take place, the focus will be on more interactive sessions where the participants will interview each other, group work and plenum discussions. The workshop aims to share current work, methods, challenges and insights when working with, or designing for, home-based care.
The workshop will produce its proceedings in the form of an online database, which will be open to access by all interested researchers, practitioners and students. We are also looking into options to publish the proceedings with an ISBN number so that it is publicly available, and the possibility to make a journal special issue after the workshop. The proceedings will include:
- The call for position papers, which highlights the motivations and the theme of the workshop.
- The accepted position papers, and the respective posters.
- The minutes of the plenary discussions and the summary of the group work.
Submission format
Maximum four pages in ACM SIGCHI extended abstract format.
Contact details
Email the position papers to: rehabws2012 (at)
More details can be found on:
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
NHS Hack Day Past & Future + HANDI health
Whether it's web magazines, web design sites, Drupal, or Ruby presentations you cannot escape from the app.
Health is no different being a major field of development. I did not make the NHS Hack Day in May and I may be away for the next in September 22-23th which is planned at ADA Liverpool. If you can make it register now!
There is also HANDI and no doubt a multitude of other international groups working on innovative apps that can and already are making a real difference to people's health and social care outcomes.
Health is no different being a major field of development. I did not make the NHS Hack Day in May and I may be away for the next in September 22-23th which is planned at ADA Liverpool. If you can make it register now!
There is also HANDI and no doubt a multitude of other international groups working on innovative apps that can and already are making a real difference to people's health and social care outcomes.
View more presentations from Carl Reynolds
Sunday, 1 July 2012
New: NHS Change Model
The NHS has a new model to help deliver change, a critical objective over the months and years as new commissioning arrangements are also implemented. The introduction below is from the website, from where the components of the model are also explained following registration and this is a chat forum:
Why do we need a change model?
Building on what we collectively know about successful change the ‘NHS Change Model’ has been developed with hundreds of our senior leaders, clinicians, commissioners, providers and improvement activists who want to get involved in building the energy for change across the NHS by adopting a systematic and sustainable approach to improving quality of care.
What does the model do?
Welcome to the NHS Change Model
The model has been created to support the NHS to adopt a shared approach to leading change and transformation. We hope to build this website further and add practical information, tools and support over the coming months. Please tell us what you think to help us shape this model and the ongoing future work using the chat room facility.Why do we need a change model?
Building on what we collectively know about successful change the ‘NHS Change Model’ has been developed with hundreds of our senior leaders, clinicians, commissioners, providers and improvement activists who want to get involved in building the energy for change across the NHS by adopting a systematic and sustainable approach to improving quality of care.
What does the model do?
The model brings together collective improvement knowledge and experience from across the NHS into eight key components. Through applying all eight components change can happen. This means no matter whom or wherever you are in the NHS you can use the approach to fit your own context as a way of making sense at every level of the ‘how and why’ for delivering improvement, to consistently make a bigger difference.
NHS Change Model
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