Tuesday 24 July 2012

Olympic Torches, History and Nostalgia for the Light

I never got to see the Olympic torch procession,  although I crossed its path on a couple of occasions.

This for me has much significance    +

In Euxton, Lancashire and more recently I found myself ahead of the relay in Oxford.

I saw a torch at the Disability Awareness Day in Warrington.

A prized possession: a keepsake of a lifetime.

Image source: http://www.warringtonguardian.co.uk/news/9825966.Disability_Awareness_Day_marks_21st_event_with_Olympic_glow/

Over the weekend I went to see the film - Nostalgia for the Light. A documentary that is simultaneously challenging, troubling, poetic and beautiful. A journey through history in its multiple forms; astronomy, and archaeology - ancient and modern. The setting is the Atacama desert. The astronomers using various telescopes explore celestial bodies, taking advantage of the elevation and transparency of the sky. The extremely low humidity that also supports such observations also preserves human bodies. Not just those thousands of years old, but human bodies from more recent times. Those of Chile's "disappeared" those who have been found and those still lost to their families.

Skeletons abounded. Ancient mummies, more recent explorers and miners. I noticed how these skeletons can give up their secrets from belongings, clothing, identified by relatives.

How telescopes themselves are skeletized in their design to save weight, cost. Today the affluent can purchase a skeletized watch - to make a statement. Mechanism. To mark their personal history. History.

What legacy? What cost? 

Around the world : dictatorship.

The search of the few for the many against the sun and the turn of stars.
Light seeking light, seeking peace and a final release.

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