Tuesday 10 July 2012

Reflections on: Designing for Self-Care - the home-clinic difference

As much as I might like to I will not be able to attend Copenhagen and the workshop details of which I posted yesterday. Reading the call for papers prompted the following reflections - many of which may not be relevant to the actual workshop content, but hopefully help illustrate Hodges' model:


literacy - health literacy, cognitive access, insight, memory, education,
communication, attitudes, motivation*, beliefs, BEFORE-AFTER holistic measures, mental health, mood, context, therapeutic modalities, self-recording, person-al purposes - process reconciliation, coding / classification,
self data capture, expectations,
general health perception, sleep, leisure,
independence level (self-efficacy),
individual 'clinic' need / attendance, rating of existing clinical relationships,
DOO - (presence of) differences of opinion*
physical interface modalities: touch, gesture, eye movement, video interviews; clinical diagnoses (primary), observations, assessment-measures, data capture, medications, lab tests, pain, 'distances' (several not just home-clinic); treatment/drugs - training, mobility (room count, vistas), info prescription, other media - learning materials, self-care tasks (granularity, number, complexity, ...), clinic-al purposes - process reconciliation, evidenced interventions, coding / classification, home adaptations?, experience of telecare?
mobile apps? home IT / comms,
chronological:pathological age
definitions: long term- / chronic
life story, narrative medicine, quality of life, care history - duration / exposure to care systems, domestic relationships, primary care / nursing (multidisciplinary care) relationships,
perceived integration of care,
social network, access to day care / respite care, definitions - shared vocabulary, self-care folksonomy? (virtual) community creation (outcomes)? affordances,
meaning of 'clinic' attendance,
'CKO-X' Carer's Knowledge of
autonomy, power in the home: My space?,
service interfaces, available specialist services, responsiveness, support, best interests,
privacy, budgets (self), protocol - referrals, political emphasis: physical-mental health? predefined benefits, economic impacts, savings, policy reach,
implications for commissioning

As the workshop concerns home - clinic difference and designing for self-care this prompted me to a more detailed consideration of the 'distances' involved. Not just in the physical geographical sense of home-clinic travel (car, walking, public transport, disabled transport) but when last the citizen (patient) visited various locations.

There are many other dimensions of course ... the final context reduces the above to something manageable.

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