Wednesday, 30 October 2013

TEDMED Great Challenges Google+ Hangout: Unraveling Dementia 31st Oct

Unraveling Dementia: The Race to Find Answers

Thursday, October 31st, 2PM EDT

Recent advances in research are describing more of what we need to know to prevent or treat Alzheimer's and dementia. Projects like the BRAIN Initiativedescribed at TEDMED 2013 by Dr. Rafael Yuste, and new medication discoveries, drive our opportunities to best understand dementia and imagine a future without it. Join our online conversation to talk about the latest breakthroughs in dementia, including research that has identified early lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk. 
Tweet questions and comments to #GreatChallenges and we’ll address them on air.  Join Us!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Student engagement survey UK pilot – Year 2: HEA

Forwarded from the HEA

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) was designed to measure students’ participation in activities and practices that are known to relate to improvements in learning. It asks about the amount and quality of effort that students invest in their studies, as well as the extent to which their courses and institutions are supportive and encouraging. It was developed and first used in North America in 2000, and has now been adapted and implemented in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Ireland.

In early 2013, nine UK institutions piloted a range of survey questions derived from NSSE. The questions were focused on four key areas:

  • Critical thinking. Four questions asked students about the emphasis their coursework placed on a range of mental activities such as evaluating and applying information.
  • Course challenge. Three questions focused on how their courses have encouraged them to work hard.
  • Collaborative learning. Three questions asked students how often they had interacted with other students in a range of ways.
  • Academic integration. Five questions explored students’ interaction with academic staff, participation in class and discussions with others outside class.

8500 students responded, and the report of the first year of the pilot will be published on 6 November 2013 and will be available at The report contains analysis of the results, as well as findings from interviews with students about the questions used.

In order to allow more institutions to take part in this project, and to collect more data for research purposes, the project will run again in spring/summer 2014.

Participation in this project allows institutions to ask students about the extent to which they are investing effort in their studies, to identify areas where more encouragement and opportunities to engage may be required. Institutions will be able to benchmark their own results against the aggregate UK results, both at institutional and subject level, to better understand their students’ engagement.

For full information on the pilot and how to be involved, along with all related documentation please see our website at

Kind Regards

Dr Celia R Brigg
Academic Lead (Business Development)

 celia.brigg at
The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR – Twitter @HEAcademy

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Positioning Nursing in a Digital World. RCN eHealth Survey 2012 Report


Commissioned by the RCN, this eHealth survey explores the knowledge and experiences of nursing staff in relation to current eHealth developments, together with their attitudes to new and emerging uses of technology in health and social care. The aims of the 2012 survey were to identify the readiness of nursing staff to participate in eHealth, to understand the barriers that prevent nursing staff from benefiting from information and communications technology, and to ascertain what progress has been made since the previous RCN eHealth survey in 2010. 

Image source:

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Arts: "Reflection on a sofa" Hodges' model as a 'memory palace' I

Prior to the New Dynamics in Ageing Showcase this Monday (a great event) I travelled down to London on Sunday morning. I wasn't 100% that morning, nothing specific.

I arrived at noon dropped the bags at the B&B and then took the nine stops from Kings Cross to South Kensington. A few minutes walk brought me to the Victoria and Albert Museum. I was early to collect my timed ticket for the Sky Arts Ignition: Memory Palace exhibition.

After queuing for ten minutes (we Brits eh!) at the proper sign to be told I just had to approach the entrance at the allotted time. I went to check the cafe. This was very nice, on the pricey side and rather busy. It's not easy to find a seat, do self-service and be secure. Anyway it was time for a walk, find somewhere else. Before doing so I went to shop and bought the exhibition book, not a huge tome and quite interesting.

Not far away around the corner I found the Brompton cafe. There were seats here. I ordered a cappucinno. There was a large communal table so I sat there. I was ok for about twenty minutes and then came over all hot and increasingly dizzy. I realised I had to move and quickly so took my jumper off and walked around to the right where there was a bookshop.

It was empty and there was sofa with 'LOVE' emblazoned on it - three times - if I registered this correctly. I could hear the cafe and just see one table through the passage way. At that moment I'd had enough of the individual-group axis and the humanistic-mechanistic took over as I went semi-horizontal.

After a couple of minutes I recovered myself and was able to get up - yes the gyro functions - and carry on my way. I am really grateful for that little space and rest. I was still determined to visit the exhibition and attend the showcase. This was fortunate timing with Sunday the 20th the last day of the exhibition and I wanted to keep it that way.
In the post-apocalyptic world of British author Hari Kunzru’s specially commissioned 10,000 word novella, London has been ravaged by a magnetic storm; all memory, art, writing, and recording has been banned. As one man attempts to remember, alone in his cell, the narrative unfolds.
Zoe Pilger, The Independent - Art review.
“misremembered” ambulance by London-based illustration collective Le Gun
“Once there were great palaces called Hospitals.” In contrast to a dystopian future when the NHS and indeed all medical knowledge has been erased, the idea of basic public services appears miraculous. “It was a time of great wonder,” he writes, referring to the present. This fragment of text is accompanied by a fabulous sculpture of a “misremembered” ambulance by London-based illustration collective Le Gun. A ghoulish figure brandishes a whip and pulls a cart filled with potions that promise ad-hoc, alchemical healing.
Zoe Pilger, The Independent - Art review and image
See page 18-19 of Kunzru’s book.
I started in a memory palace, a book shop. I left to visit another, carrying my own memory palace in my mind.

Hodges' model is a memory palace, vacant, awaiting occupancy by patient, client, or carer. The model acts as a great prompt past, future and the here and now.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Blog Action Day 2013: Human Rights - Health and Disability

HUMANistic -------- RIGHTS

Reflecting on Human Rights with Hodges' model
Educating health professionals about disability: A review of interventions
Tom Shakespeare and Ira Kleine suggest health professionals need a better understanding of the health needs and human rights of disabled people. Read the first comprehensive review of educational interventions. (HEA)
Physical (and cognitive) access to info:

Governments are legally obliged to ensure adequate access to health information
The Lancet Global Health, Volume 1, Issue 3, Pages e129 - e130, September 2013
-ismsDear All, I would like to congratulate the initiative HIFA-Watch about access to health information as universal human right and use this opportunity to share with you an excellent illustration, presentation by video on the Declaration of Human Right, source of inspiration for all.
And I use also this opportunity to share with you the Medicus Mundis International discussion paper published today which compares key elements of the concept of Universal Health Coverage as promoted by the World Health Organization
With my warmest regards.
World Health Organization, Knowledge Management and Sharing
group - population

Additional links:
Law in Action BBC Radio 4 (see - Interview with Attorney General Dominic Grieve 15 Oct 2013 download available for 28 days)

Conference: Human Rights in Scotland: understanding the challenges and embracing the opportunities 2014

Health and Human Rights: journal

Political domain: links

ERCIM News No. 95 Special theme: "Image Understanding"

Dear ERCIM News Reader,

ERCIM News No. 95 has just been published at

Special Theme: "Image Understanding"
Guest editors: Michal Haindl, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and Josef Kittler, University of Surrey, UK

Keynote: "Image Understanding – An EU Perspective"
by Libor Král, Head of Unit A2 – Robotics in Directorate General Communication Networks, Content & Technology, European Commission

This issue for download

Next issue: No. 96, January 2014 - Special Theme: "Linked Open Data"
(see Call at

Thank you for your interest in ERCIM News.
Feel free to forward this message to others who might be interested.

Best regards,
Peter Kunz
ERCIM News central editor

ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship Programme
ERCIM offers fellowships for PhD holders from all over the world. The next round is open!
Next deadline 31 October 2013

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Health, Art and The Reith Lectures 2013 (and the search for the perpetual umbilicus)

This week sees the start of The Reith Lectures on BBC Radio 4 by Grayson Perry.

The question is: who decides on what makes art good?

Perry writes in the Financial Times Weekend:
Clement Greenberg, a famous art critic in the 1950s, said that art will always be tied to money by an umbilical cord of gold, either state money or market money. I'm pragmatic about it: one of my favourite quotes is you'll never have a good art career unless your work fits into the elevator of a New York apartment block.
Once born into the world, the umbilical cord that transfers and imbues life and sustenance no longer matters physically. It is the social ties that bind, according to the lyrics and life experience.

In health and social care we need to find a perpetual umbilical cord that makes well-being and health not just something to take for granted. Not some thing that is only noticed when the piece of art won't fit into the elevator any longer.

This is the challenge in health care. A challenge that will see art movements and markets come and go. The solutions will rely on science, technology and art.

@science @technology @art 
each brings its own engineering.

We need tools that facilitate self-care when needed. Cognitive engineering that people can call upon by virtue of the combined literacies they possess. Self-care that is delayed due to self-knowledge.

Cognitive tools people can take anywhere; from elevators in New York and doors to apartments, yurts in Mongolia, the multitude of tents in Jordan to the terraced houses near Wigan Pier ...

Financial Times, Grayson Perry’s Reith Lectures: Who decides what makes art good? October 11, 2013 7:16 pm

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Recent Advances in Research on Housing Transitions and the Life Course - a one-day symposium

Meeting of the Royal Statistical Society Social Statistics section.
DATE: Tuesday 10 December 2013
TIME: 10am-5pm (followed by a drinks reception)
LOCATION: Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London EC1Y 8LX

We are pleased to announce a one-day symposium on recent developments in research on housing transitions through the life course.  The event will feature presentations from leading international demographers, geographers and economists on different aspects of housing careers. Topics include:

  • the interrelationship between housing and fertility: childbearing patterns by housing conditions and housing changes after the birth of a child
  • wage, employment and house-price effects on migration
  • intergenerational transmission of home ownership and neighbourhood poverty
  • residential mobility, neighbourhood poverty dynamics and neighbourhood choice among families
The symposium is sponsored by the ESRC-funded project “Interrelationships between housing transitions and fertility” (see for further details). 

William A.V. Clark (University of California, Los Angeles) Clara Mulder (University of Groningen), Heather Joshi (Institute of Education) Hill Kulu (University of Liverpool) David Manley (University of Bristol) Birgitta Rabe (University of Essex) Elizabeth Washbrook (University of Bristol)

A programme and abstracts are at

REGISTRATION AND QUERIES: All are welcome and attendance is free.  Refreshments will be provided, including lunch and a drinks reception.  However, advance registration is essential.  Please complete the online registration form at to reserve your place.

[ I mentioned to the organisers about the ongoing transitions I have posted about before; that of older adults moving house (home) often in response to a bereavement to be nearer other family members. This is not the symposium's focus, but remains a question in terms of the potential impact on the individuals concerned and health and social services. pj ]

Tuesday, 8 October 2013 HSCIC supports the information standards community

Dear Peter,

You may have seen the publicity this week regarding the launch of a new website,, developed by the Health and Social Care Information Centre, working with the Department of Health, NHS England and other commissioning partners. has been developed to support information standards professionals across health and social care. The site provides a single place where all information standards can be located, along with valuable supporting material, such as e-learning, implementation guidance and case studies. It also enables users of the site to become active participants in the development and appraisal of standards, by providing the means to share material, draw on each others’ experiences and engage in discussions about existing and potential future standards.

TRUD is pleased to support this new venture and recognises the importance of engaging with information standards professionals across health and social care. The site provides a single place where all information standards can be accessed, along with valuable supporting materials, such as e-learning, implementation guidance and case studies. It also enables users of the site to share material, draw on each other’s experiences and engage in discussions about existing and potential future standards, collections and extractions.

The site’s scope and design will evolve continually to meet the needs and preferences of the community, so we encourage you to become active users and help shape its future development. It is the intention that the site will be an integral part of the assurance process for information standards and collections, details of which will be made available on the site in due course.

Dr Ken Lunn, Director of Information Standards Delivery, said:
"We have supported the creation of the website because openness and increased engagement with end users can only improve the development, delivery and adoption of effective information standards. Standards are essential to the delivery of improved, digitally enabled health and care services and by collaborating with the wider community we can tackle together the challenges we all face. I look forward to seeing how the site will be used by the community."
In support of implementation of the NHS dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) the Pharmacy Terminology team are currently updating some of the dm+d implementation guidance. Following feedback from the community a starter guide to dm+d providing an overview of dm+d, an explanation of the Standard, how it relates to the SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension and some fundamentals on content, structure and the release itself has been drafted and is available for comment on

The guidance is not currently ready for formal consultation but we would value your input at this juncture to see if the contents are useful and useable.

Questions about can be sent to info.standards AT and via twitter where you can follow us @infostandards


The TRUD support team
Health and Social Care Information Centre

Zero, One, Fifteen, (Thirty, Sixty...?)

care-S S-cares
context: UK news media 15 minute carer visits to elderly clients

Reflecting on Social Care with Hodges' model
The one, self, me, a person. Carers: ethics (and common sense? when is 15 minutes of 'fame' enough?), demonstration of rapport, empathy, dignity, loneliness, independence. Carer stress. Job satisfaction. Staff knowledge and skills. Observation. Mental state. Mood. Choices - personal preferences. Personal - carer's values. Cognition - Re-cognition. Case review. Individualized care? Expressed concerns (wither...?) theory: task vs. person-centered care
mechanistic aspects of care, travel, geography, arrival, tasks, plan, recording, constraints - esp. time, practical problems encountered. Number of carers involved. Safety. Protective clothing. Seasonal factors. Evidence base? Best practice? Relapse rates? Telecare role? Physical mobility - movement. Systems, processes, logistics and scheduling. Degrees of freedom - flexibility. Data, information, datasets. Admissions - depth of data?
practice: task vs. person-centered care
Caring relationship building, trust - very personal - intimate care, subjective: time with someone I like / don't like? Relatives experience. Social care infrastructure - community centers. Ability to go out shopping with a carer. Media: BBC 2 Newsnight 7/10/13; The Times; C4 News. Social contact. Social mores (time?)
Policy, professionalism, recording, outcome measures. Agreement - care plan. Care reviews. Ban on 15 minute visits? Management. Standards. Supervision. Zero hour contracts. Pay and conditions. Staff turnover. Vulnerable adults. Personal development, training. Risk of organization's reputations being damaged. Corporate responsibility, values. 'Value for money'. New commissioning systems. Advocacy (position significant). Whistleblowing. 'Francis effect' increase in nursing posts. HSJ, 25 Oct 2013, p.6. 'Funded establishment'.

group - population

Discount the contract, you can then 'discount' the individual worker and the client.
Care Relationship = Care Transaction

Wikipedia: "15 minutes of fame"

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Friday, 4 October 2013

Thursday, 3 October 2013

two books two islands two doctors - beyond a cappuccino

My uncle Doug (I do miss him) mentioned a book to me when I was some time around 1974. I think I found a copy in their bookcase when the whole family used to visit on a Sunday afternoon.
A decade later 1983, the year before I got married I visited Sorrento and during this holiday took a day trip to Capri.

With my fiancé I found myself walking around the Villa San Michele. The book was The Story of San Michele by Axel Munthe. I don’t recall consciously deciding to go to Anacapri, but I found myself there. It really made an impression on the 24 year old. What an amazing place to be, study, to try to be creative if not grandiose.

I’m sure I read the book after this visit, it dawning on me that this was - not just - that place, but the story too.

In between on holiday in Kefalonia in 1995 and read Captain Corelli’s Mandolin while there. Axel Munthe was a doctor and there’s a doctor in de Bernières’ book.

Two islands, two doctors, two books: fact and fiction and the spaces in between.

Thirty years later it was a lovely experience to take the bus to Anacapri this September and spend some time at San Michele.

Now the mix of history and styles is a bit jarring, but it is still, for me at least, an amazing space to be. The views of the Bay of Naples are stunning.

The light, the air, the sky.


At some point if I could spend some time there, beyond a cappuccino...

The Bay of Naples - Vesuvius from San Michele 4 Sept 2013
