Thursday, 31 July 2014

NHScitizen twitter chat 6 August 7-8pm #nhscitizen

NHS citizen
C/o Twitter -


If you are on twitter:

Pls RT :) We're having a twitter chat on Wed 6 Aug at 7-8pm for and we'd love you to join

(Above link not active at present)

Research Initiative: Test the Impact of a Radio Campaign Addressing Child Mortality


DEVELOPMENT NETWORKS - The Communication Initiative's Social Networking Space

Introduction and comments:

Development Media International (DMI) is conducting a 3-year randomised controlled trial to test the hypothesis that a radio campaign can reduce the large number of children dying before their fifth birthday in Burkina Faso. As detailed at the link below (see Related Summaries), the research involves the broadcast, beginning in March 2012, of health messages using radio spots (60-second adverts) and radio phone-in programmes. With the goal of engaging the public with health issues in order to change behaviours, this is a research initiative to evaluate a public health intervention delivered to 7 randomised geographic areas (clusters) across Burkina Faso with 7 additional clusters being used as controls.

Supervised by 2 people affiliated with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), this independent survey is based on interviews with 5,000 mothers in the 7 intervention zones and 7 control zones halfway into the research intervention period (midline data).



"For a full summary of the midline results please go to this link where there is also a link to the DMI summary paper."

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Stanford offers new open access MOOC - Open Knowledge: Changing the Global Course of Learning

Open source, open science, open data, open access, open education, open learning -- This fall Stanford faculty and librarians are working with international partners to offer the innovative free (no-cost) course Open Knowledge: Changing the Global Course of Learning on the OpenEdX platform.

The course provides an introduction to the important concept of openness from a variety of perspectives, including library and information studies, education, publishing, economics, politics, and more. Open Knowledge is international and multi-institutional, bringing together instructors and students from Stanford University (USA), Fordham University (USA), University of British Columbia (Canada), Simon Frasier University (Canada), the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (Mexico), and the rest of the world.

Learn more about the concept of "open", develop your digital literacy skills, and connect with peers from around the world.

For more information and to register:

Lauren A Maggio, MS (LIS), MA
Lecturer, Department of Medicine
Director of Research and Instruction
Lane Medical Library & Knowledge Management Center
Stanford University Medical Center
300 Pasteur Drive, L109, Stanford, CA 94305-5123
lmaggio AT

HIFA profile: Lauren Maggio is Director of Research and Instruction at Stanford University in the USA. Professional interests: Information Literacy, Open Access, Open Data libraries.  lmaggio AT

[*Note from HIFA moderator (Neil PW): MOOC = Massive Open Online Course]

My source: HIFA2015

Thursday, 24 July 2014

NW England: Greater Manchester AHSN Hackathon 'Young Carers'

Date: Thursday 31st July

Time: 8.30 – 17.00

Lunch and refreshments will be provided

On the 31st July GM AHSN invite you to an all-day hackathon focussed on developing solutions that can make a difference to the lives of young carers.

There are currently over 700,000 carers in the UK. In the addition to the difficulties of caring for a sick relative, many are placed at a disadvantage in terms of their academic and social lives. The hackathon is your opportunity to make an impact, test your skills and work collaboratively to help develop solutions to this often overlooked social problem. The event is open to everybody, regardless of experience, though we’re particularly looking for:
  • Carers and anybody with experience of the challenges faced
  • Software developers
  • Web developers
  • Designers/ UX experts
  • Health and social care professionals
  • Marketers
  • Project managers
  • Researcher
  • Coders
The GM AHSN has worked with young carers to identify key challenge areas in:
  • Support for epilepsy
  • Alert systems for schools and offices
  • Time management for young carers
  • Social Networking for young carers
(Click here for more info on challenges)
The hackathon will bring together all the right people to help develop your idea in super quick time: You can meet and work with people with skills and experience from the healthcare and technology industries, all with the common goal of wanting to make a difference. The event will be attended by a group of young carers from the Manchester based charity Family Action, who will be acting as mentors and contributing to the development of your concepts.


As a prize, the winning team will be rewarded with a day of free consultancy from Inventya, to help develop and commercialise your idea. Inventya is a science and technology commercialisation consultancy with an 80% success rate in helping early stage companies win funding for R&D and technology product development.

If you’d like more information, please contact sarah.dougan AT

My source: @Stefan
[ I can't make it :( ]

Gender models role models and cognitive models... Discuss?

As a male nurse I have been aware of gender throughout my career ever since my student days (late 1970s-early 80s) - mental health - and then as a student again for two years general nurse training. The cultural, professional and global changes over the past three decades and more have been quite profound all influencing the perspectives and realities of gender in nursing today.

Since 1987-88, when I discovered Hodges' model I was also bound to wonder about gender in terms of:
  • the number of male nurse theorists and their contribution (should this matter!)?; 
  • other male nurse theorists globally and the influence of other cultural perspectives;
  • the need to consider gender of course in terms of 'standpoint' within research;
  • Is Hodges' model gender biased as its structure and basis comprised of categories of care concepts is a very masculine activity? (Even though the intention in identifying the boxes is to transcend and integrate them.) Please see below (and no pun intended).
    • Therefore nursing (still primarily a female profession) may ignore/discredit the potential of the model?
Possibly, the stand-out feature of Hodges' model is its invitation to categorise and typify. There could be gender-based consequences in how the model is perceived and received, which in turn could affect interest and participation in research on this subject? In designing studies of the model the feminist standpoint might be useful?:
“What, then, about the further charge that making clear-cut classifications of this kind is a very masculine thing to do? … It reaches its peak in empirical science as we know it, itself a very male affair, and it embodies the desire to have control of things and to know what is likely to happen. It issues in the kind of binary opposites we have found feminists, especially postmodernist feminists, decrying so vigorously-antimonies such as thought/language, nature/culture, reason/emotion, theory/practice, white/black, and especially men/women.” Crotty, (1998) p.171.

Crotty, M. (1998) The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process. SAGE Publications Ltd.

This post was prompted by an item on GANM (Global Alliance for Nursing and Midwifery)

Monday, 21 July 2014

The Cost of Things: The quality of what is fixed and what is marginal

humanistic ------------------------------------------- mechanistic

Internet of Things 
The Zero Marginal Cost Society

IoT is not just an incredible prospect it is an incredible happening.

Let us not forget however
the Fixed Costs of Social Care

Should some of the costs that assure High Quality be fixed, or remain intangible?

Thursday, 17 July 2014

The Global Health Research Process Map

As a conceptual ready reckoner Hodges' model helps us locate, isolate and contextualise the commonly cited 4Ps. In the h2cm matrix below I have related the 4Ps, as before, to the four care domains:
humanistic ------------------------------------------- mechanistic

I raise this learning of a new process oriented resource for global research produced by The Global Health Network.

Processes are critical.  

Think of the relationship of purpose, practice and policy in relation to triage and emergency care? When I reflect on a situation even if the priority, context is process driven I am mindful of the bigger picture.


The Global Health Network has launched a brand new, interactive Global Health Research Process Map, the first digital toolkit designed to enable researchers anywhere in the world to initiate rigorous global health research studies.

As the HIFA community know all too well, health research is often lacking in the regions where evidence to improve health is needed most. Crucial evidence is not being generated because doctors and nurses lack access to training, information, and support. Effort is also regularly duplicated or conducted using different criteria in different territories and studies, and sometimes it falls by the wayside from lack of simple resources and guidance on best practice. The Global Health Research Process Map ( is set to change this. It’s an open-access internationally-available online resource that guides every process and method needed to initiate a health research study. For each step researchers and their staff are provided with the information, support and training that they need to successfully run a health study. Researchers will also gain the opportunity to engage with their peers along the way, aiding collaboration and the spread of ideas.

The Process Map was released just over one week ago, and has already generated nearly 2,500 views from around the world. It is the product of four years of best practice gathered and refined by the research community who use the pioneering Global Health Network to guide and support their effort to conduct research in challenging settings. The Global Health Network works like an online science park for exchanging knowledge, sharing research methods and facilitating collaboration among global health professionals to fuel faster and better evidence to improve health. The Global Health Network facilitates global partnerships between researchers ­ allowing researchers in low-resource settings and those with more support to learn from each other ­ and conduct research studies in places where this is difficult and unusual.

The Process Map is a pioneering research tool that centralises the information and resources that researchers anywhere in the world need to develop and initiate rigorous and effective global health studies. It has the potential to revolutionise the current process, speeding the development of new drugs and vaccines, and improving how diseases are managed. With this toolkit, researchers can access the guidance, training and support that they need in order to run their own studies. This is important because there is much evidence that shows that locally-led research rarely happens in low-income settings because health workers lack research skills and any access to training and support. Therefore the Global Health Network is meeting that gap and the Global Health Research Process Map will take them through the process of conducting accurate research, step-by-step. 

Visit the tool today, and click on each node to access formally written information, links to eLearning courses, guidance articles, discussions, blogs, up-to-date news, and all sorts of tools and templates which will help you complete each step. As with everything else on the Global Health Network, it’s completely free and open-access, and always will be. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated, so feel free to have a look and leave comments, either here* or on the map itself.

Thank you!

Tamzin Furtado
Project Manager
The Global Health Network

*My source: HIFA2015

Monday, 14 July 2014

Sense making? miss-il-es civil-ians te-ears

humanistic ------------------------------------------- mechanistic




Source: Various news media over several days - current and past...

Sunday, 13 July 2014

H2CM workshop at Threshold Concepts Conference 11th July 2014 Durham

Prior to the workshop I did not know how many people would be interested. In the end I had four attendees. With the session located in a large dining hall I had to improvise. I explained the model on paper sat in the middle. The presentation worked on the laptop, with a little swapping of seats for vision. As always with Hodges' model (I believe) the questions and discussion that ensues is primary engagement and this can mitigate environmental limitations. This is also why I believe Hodges' model is applicable to the global community.

I had twenty 2-sided A4 templates to hand-out. The format was as follows:
  • What is Hodges’ model?
  • A concept sorting exercise
  • A case study exercise
  • Some examples of links to threshold concepts
  • Q & A - discussion
  • Feedback
The exercises appeared to go very well, prompting, as hoped, people to think about the model as presented, their own work and threshold concepts. The case study seemed quite realistic and yet it is of course fictional.

Where did I slip up? In at least three ways: I did not have my own feedback form. This is frustrating as I've used these routinely in sessions delivered in residential and nursing homes. I did not complete all the slides. We ran for 85 minutes starting 5 minutes later than intended. On reflection I could have attended for the two days as there were, some really relevant presentations on the Thursday also. I'm really grateful to the people who took part in the workshop. Their work included computer science, law, migration and mathematics.

Durham from TC2014 website
They suggested I identify existing threshold concepts from the health and social care literature and relate these to Hodges' model. Another suggestion pointed to a pre-populated conceptual space using Hodges' model that can act a guide. I've wondered about this before in terms of how to avoid the care reduced to a checklist critique. Although lists play an evidence-based role in assuring safety and situational awareness, the check box mentality is viewed as undermining nursing and high quality personalised care? There is definitely scope for a paper combining #h2cm and threshold concepts.

The TEL course at Lancaster is proving a challenge as anticipated, because I do not have first-hand access to learning management systems and the more formal educational context. I am working on this with an ongoing secondment application, but I never hold my breath.  Doing the TEL course is (also) a test, it forces me to focus and produce small studies and very quickly too. I had wondered about using the workshop to this end, but in light of very helpful supervision and discussion with peers online I directed attention to a semi-structured questionnaire and the reflective content of LMSs used by local students.

Significantly, the four participants in Durham is more than needed for a 4000 word study, so the workshop is a great experience and further 'demonstrator'.

I am still reflecting on the workshop and will be in touch with several people as a result. I would also like to thank the organisers for my being able to contribute. The slides will also be posted online soon. I will add some notes to act as instructions.

In 2016 the conference will be in Nova Scotia, when available I will add the updated link in the sidebar.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

ERCIM News No. 98 Special theme: "Smart Cities"
Dear ERCIM News Reader,

ERCIM News No. 98 has just been published at:

Special Theme: "Smart Cities"

featuring a keynote by Eberhard van der Laan, Mayor of Amsterdam

Guest editors:
- Ioannis Askoxylakis, ICS-FORTH, Greece
- Theo Tryfonas, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol, UK

This issue is also available for download as:

Next issue: No. 99, October 2014 - Special Theme: "Quality Software"
(see Call at

Thank you for your interest in ERCIM News.
Feel free to forward this message to others who might be interested.

Best regards,
Peter Kunz
ERCIM News central editor

Urban Civics - Democratizing Urban Data for Healthy Smart Cities
CityLab@Inria - A Lab on Smart Cities fostering Environmental and Social Sustainability
‘U-Sense’, A Cooperative Sensing System for Monitoring Air Quality in Urban Areas 
is published quarterly by ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
The printed edition will reach about 6000 readers.
This email alert reaches over 7500 subscribers.
ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics - aims to foster collaborative work within the European research community and to increase co-operation with European industry. Leading European research institutes are members of ERCIM. ERCIM is the European host of W3C.

Follow us on twitter!/ercim_news
and join the open ERCIM LinkedIn Group

Monday, 7 July 2014

Book: The social atlas of Europe

www.europemapper.orgSee Europe as never before!

The social atlas of Europe
Dimitris Ballas, University of Sheffield
Danny Dorling, University of Oxford
Benjamin Hennig, University of Oxford

"An insightful look at today's Europe - through the underlying realities that Europeans live every day, all brought to life in charts and maps that reveal the human geography of this vitally important area of the world." Robert B. Reich, University of California at Berkeley.

The social atlas of Europe is the first human geography atlas to consider the European economy, culture, history, human and physical geography as a single land mass and a more unified European people. It provides an accessible overview of Europe and a human geography contribution to debates about a wide range of topics. It includes:

- Maps on over 80 topics ranging from life expectancy, greenhouse gas emissions to Eurovision Song Contest voting patterns
- Uses innovative full colour visualisation methods
- Explores Europe's society, culture, economy, politics and the environment
- State-of-the-art Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and new human cartography techniques

More information about the book is available on its website

Available at the special price of £19.99 (plus p&p) at
Kathryn King
Marketing Manager
Policy Press, University of Bristol
6th Floor, Howard House, Queen's Avenue, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1SD
Tel: +44 (0) 117 331 5369
Email: kathryn.king AT


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Excuses found: "premature definition of variables"

Currently reading:
MURPHY E., DINGWALL R., GREATBATCH D., PARKER S., WATSON P. (1999). Qualitative research methods in health technology assessment: a review of the literature. Health Technology Assessment. 2(16), p.84.
Marshall (1985) presented the flexibility of qualitative research as one of its strengths. She argued that, in qualitative research, the researcher does not assume that (s)he knows, at the outset, the exact nature of the research question. Rather, qualitative research offers the opportunity of discovery. In fact, researchers vary considerably in the extent to which they formulate the precise nature of the research question in advance of the study. Most seek to avoid what Silverman (1993) referred to as “premature definition of variables”.

Ah, so this is what I've doing!

Yes, but for how long with h2cm, with Drupal...?

1997... 2007...  and counting... :-)

CARE2X Integrated Hospital Information System

In learning we often look in turn for role models, exemplars then even some comparator or examples against which to compare and contrast to understand the context and our own knowledge, skills and potential.

In health and social care information systems it's useful for me to look at what is available in Drupal. A recent find is Care2X with a demo available. There are numerous plans to take these systems further:

 Care3g is seeking funding.

There is also Project Mtuha.

There's a post by Tim Schofield - Helping African hospitals with open source software that describes how the enterprise resource planning system KwaMoja @KwaMoja is being used to provide administration systems for hospitals in Africa.

Even though not on the same scale as commercial hospital systems in the USA and EU ... these are significant software projects compared with my purposes which are educational.

Care2X presentation

i c u

humanistic ------------------------------------------- mechanistic



Avatar image "I see me through your eyes."
te ar s

Wired: Avatar 2, 3 and 4

ICU - Intensive Care Unit

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Workshop: Re-imagining Commonly Used Mobile Interfaces for Older Adults

We are delighted to announce that Professor Jutta Trevarinus of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University, Toronto will deliver a keynote talk at this workshop. We hope you can join us.

Re-imagining Commonly Used Mobile Interfaces for Older Adults
workshop AT

September 23, 2014, Toronto, Canada

Call for Papers

Many countries have an increasingly ageing population. In recent years, mobile technologies have had a massive impact on social and working life. As the older adult population rises, many people will want to continue professional, social and lifestyle usage of mobiles into their 70s and beyond. Mobiles support community involvement and personal independence, but the ageing process can interfere considerably with their usage, e.g. through changes in vision, attention, and motor control. This workshop will bring together researchers who are re-imagining mobile interfaces so that they are more suited for use by older adults.

Position papers are sought related to topics including, but not limited to:
  • Multimodal interaction with older adults
  • Mobile input and visual interaction with older adults
  • Older adults and ubiquitous computing
  • Participatory design process for older adults
  • Mobile interface evaluation with older adults
  • Novel physical interaction for older adults
  • The effect and implications for mobile design of the ageing process
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on mobile design for older adults
Position papers should be 4 pages in CHI extended abstract format. Accepted papers will be presented as posters or short talks, with plenty of time for discussion and demos. Authors will be invited to extend for a special issue of the International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction.

Abstract Submission Deadline: July 11th 2014
Notification of Acceptance: 24th July 2014
Workshop: 23rd September 2014

Submissions should be made to: submissions AT

Questions or queries may be sent to: workshop AT

Emma Nicol (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK)
Mark Dunlop (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK)
Marilyn McGee-Lennon (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK)
Lynne Baillie (Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK)
Lilit Hakobyan (Aston University, Birmingham, UK)
Katie Siek (Indiana University, USA)

Emma Nicol
Research Associate
Room 14.05 Livingstone Tower
Dept of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, G1 1XH
Scotland, UK

My source: Caring Technology Research Announcement List