Thursday, 29 March 2012

Tied to the mast: achieving anonymity

It isn't just me - is it?
Other people must have this problem.
It isn't that it's an embarrassing body problem -
although time will tell on that
- it's just Frustrating.

If you venture to write a paper for publication then the submission process usually asks you to render the paper Anon. This makes good sense: right and proper. While some scholars can spend decades on a specific problem, or project the majority of academics must be fleet of foot. Usually, they have to  chase funding, publish, publish and shift from flower to flower garnering citations and increasing aplomb. There must be exceptions I suppose, were researchers become a 'known' quantity, associated not just with particular research subject, but with a set of peers and establishments. Of course I'm Generalizing.

Here though I can't help wishing it was different - that's what this mission is all about. Trying to get other people on board, to recognize the potential value of Hodges' model in health, social care and beyond.

it is
to note that the past two days have seen over 100 

As to the anonymity bit, well I've climbed the pole, I've balanced on the beam and yet sadly this new gymnastic element the anonistic-maneuver is beyond me.

I don't want to moan, but in this case models offer no anonymity.

If I could hide I would: the long and short of it is I'm stuck ....

If it is not Brian Hodges himself writing about the model, then who is?

Now clearly I'm no Odysseus, but it seems I'm tied to this thing. This conceptual contraption. This mast.

Jokes aside though, it makes you wonder how many other innovations, worthy projects, ideas of merit, struggle against what appears to be a figure ground illusion?

You see with h2cm even when duly anonymised -  one moment we have an unknown - a personally, politically neutral entity. The next moment - ah! hold on. Now I can see who it is and hear this 4-track song.

Oh wondrous enchanted music ....

There is a way around this...!

Additional link:

Figure ground labelled image:
Odysseus image source:

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) programme - new funding opportunities

Researcher-led outline application form now available

The PHR programme is now accepting applications to its researcher-led workstream. In addition to applications under the normal remit, we are looking for applications under the following areas:

Highlight notices:
Applicants are invited to apply by 1pm on 30 July 2012.
To find out more about how to apply click here

Please tell others about us. We would be grateful if you could forward this email on to others within the public health field that may be interested in the funding opportunities presented by the Public Health Research programme. Where possible, please post this email on relevant websites and forums.

Contact us
tel: 023 8059 9695

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Dementia - The size of the challenge

The image and link below is the first of a set on Flickr produced from the Prime Minister's presentation and meeting with the Alzheimer's Society on March 26 2012. A transcript and video are also available:

Transcript - Prime Minister's speech to the Dementia 2012 conference

As the image below suggests there are many stats including the startling variation in services nationwide, for example:
In Belfast diagnosis is at almost 70 per cent.
Here in England we’ve got neighbouring areas with massively different rates…
… in Sheffield 57 per cent; in East Riding – less than 80 miles away – it’s 29 per cent.

Dementia - The size of the challenge

Friday, 23 March 2012

Alcohol: Messages in bottles, domains and anagrams

The perennial health news item that is alcohol has bubbled and overflowed this week. In 1987-88 I visited several nearby alcohol services in Blackburn, Preston and Salford with a questionnaire to compare and contrast with Chorley which at the time had no dedicated alcohol services. There was Alcoholics Anonymous AA and Al-Anon, but nothing specific through health beyond community psychiatric nurses. The project was for the CPN(Cert.).

Back then I remember a Consultant Psychiatrist saying that the level of alcohol consumption is directly related to cost. The literature I read also drew attention to historical comparisons. I think it was Alcohol Concern who supported this view and called for urgent action. Of course all that was some 24 years ago. Incredible that there is some movement in 2012. In 2007 the taxi driver from Elounda to Heraklion airport described the movement and horizontal stasis that adorns the pavements (and spills onto the roads) of Malia as we zipped by. The Brits do have a problem. A Consultant physician highlighted this from a hospital ward on BBC Radio 4 news today.

Don't get me wrong: I like an occasional drink but my enjoyment of alcohol has been tempered over the years by several experiences:
  • An early party aged 15 (and at a church social club) preloading was already in vogue. No sooner were a group of us sat at a table than someone threw up on the table. It was alcohol.
  • Biology and human biology lessons helped instil the impacts of alcohol.
  • Having to say 'goodbye' to clients with a drink problem, duly referred by their GP. I cannot support them in their drinking after several attempts to effect change.
  • Appreciating the link between drink and risk behaviours.
  • Working with people whose 'ill-health career' has seen them having to live with, but not themselves recognise Korsakoff's syndrome.
  • Seeing people over three decades who cannot be supported in the community with their family, relatively young for residential care, but given a lack of specialised facilities - there they frequently are.
Hopefully the policy turn will have a positive impact extending beyond news headlines:

Minimum alcohol price planned for England and Wales

Alcohol pricing: politics under the influence

With the prospect of an alcohol and a new NHS information strategy in England you hope that some dots can be joined. Here are a few:

Motivation    Psychological effects
Attitudes to risk         Predisposition
Personality     Education    Vulnerability
Data     Evidence      Public health
Physical effects    Dual diagnosis
Research       Violence - statistics
Social contradictons and attitudes - 'image'
Upbringing       Cultural attitudes
 Marketing          Media
Cost per unit      Services        Funding  
Cost to health budget      Reporting
Policy   Lobbying   Taxes   Commissioning

Beer label c/o

'Real Stout' = 'Sale Tutor'

Monday, 19 March 2012

How solid is the framework? Paper: Perceptual ratings of opposite spatial properties...

In researching conceptual spaces and h2cm I came across the following source:

Bianchi, I. , Savardi, U., Burro, R. (2011). Perceptual ratings of opposite spatial properties: Do they lie on the same dimension? Acta Psychologica, 138, 3, 405-418.

As constructed h2cm makes several assumptions with its axial structure. Is the placement of humanistic – mechanistic and individual – group on continua truly representative of the opposites of continua?

It seems that to address this question we must investigate cognitive linguistics. Bianchi et al., raise the following for consideration:
The idea that two contrary properties lie on the same continuum has formed the basis of various methodologies used in experimental research in the field of Psychology since the late sixties (e.g. the differential semantic method, Likert scales, etc.); however, an increasing number of methodologists are facing problems connected to the assumption of unidimensionality in opposite scales ... (p.405).
I wonder to what extent the original purposes of h2cm can support the existing continua? Nursing and the scope of nursing should also be able to substantiate the model. Nursing is person-centred. 
The idea that opposites presuppose an underlying continuum has been a default assumption in linguistics and cognitive semantics for more than two decades even though it has been noted that in every-day language people describe their perceptions in terms of opposites (“you are driving fast”, “the walk is long”, “the room is small”, “it's hot today”) instead of using unidimensional scales (respectively, velocity, size and temperature) (p.406).
Additional links:
Hodges's model

Friday, 16 March 2012

Dame Fiona Caldicott to lead confidentiality review

Dame Fiona Caldicott has agreed to lead an independent from Government review of the balance between protecting patient information and its sharing, to improve patient care.

The Department expects to respond to the panel’s recommendations when the review publishes during 2012.

The recommendation for a review of the balance between protecting patient information and its sharing, to improve patient care was part of the Future Forum’s recommendations to Government on the modernisation of health and care.

... more.

My source:

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Use and ab-use of knowledge

The effective ‘use’ of knowledge is constantly espoused in health care both informally with patients and formally in evidence based research. Knowledge is the key to improving patient safety and delivering efficient, high quality care interventions and effective outcomes. Things become complicated in health and social with the number of potential knowledge sources and the disciplines intent on seeing, gathering, recording and utilizing knowledge that is theirs. From that adopted vantage point they are bound to have a certain perspective.

There are still vestiges of C.P. Snow’s The Two Cultures (1959) when we view the use and ab-use of knowledge, particularly the way knowledge is sliced, diced, partitioned and housed into disciplines. In the Introduction to Michel Serres' Parasite, Cary Wolfe notes that:
... the Latin prefix ab- meaning, the Oxford English Dictionary tells us, “off, or away from”: "abuse" value at a tangent to use and exchange value, at a distance from it: a different vector, a different type of value (Wolfe, 2007). p. xx.

Literally looking at the model we see that whilst there is increasing interdisciplinarity and collaboration between disciplines, practitioners and managers, academics and policy makers … there remains much ab-use between the domains of (care) knowledge.

If by definition abuse brings individuals, agencies and whoever falls in-between into disagreement, dispute and possibly much worse then clearly a tool that can help furnish a common understanding and insight should be welcomed.

For all that Hodges’s model can offer as a common foundation and bridge for the disciplines, we must ask where is the patient, the carer and the public? Is there a new discipline emerging?
What is needed to help gauge the potentials of use and ab-use in health and social care ...?

Additional links - for the image:
Coxeters Loxodromic Sequence of Tangent Circles

Donald Coexeter

Snow, C.P. (2001 [1959]). The Two Cultures. London: Cambridge University Press.

Wolfe, C. (2007). Introduction to the New Edition. Bring the Noise: The Parasite and the Multiple Genealogies of Posthumanism. In Serres, M. (1980). The Parasite. University of Minnesota Press.

Image source:

Saturday, 10 March 2012

SPECIAL ISSUE cfp Qualitative Research in the Sociotechnology Domain


SUBMISSION DUE DATE: 30th April 2012

SPECIAL ISSUE ON Qualitative Research in the Sociotechnology Domain

International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development

Guest Editor: M. Gordon Hunter

The goal of this special issue is provide a venue for the detailed analysis and discussion on sociotechnical philosophy and practices which underpin successful organizational change.


This special issue will highlight current qualitative investigations in Sociotechnology. The main emphasis of qualitative researchers is the personnel involved in organizations. So, qualitative researchers attempt to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of their meanings attributed by individuals.  They must work closely with research participants.  Thus, those involved with the qualitative researcher are not considered subjects, but are more likely considered partners or fellow research participants, involved in the investigation of a research question.  This special issue will provide a forum to discuss the link between the aspects of social and technology from a qualitative perspective.


Topics to be discussed in this special issue may include (but are not limited to) the following qualitative research methods:

  • Action Research
  • Case Study
  • Ethnography
  • Grounded Theory
  • Narrative Inquiry
  • Submissions involving other novel qualitative research methods employing primary and/or secondary data are also encouraged


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Qualitative Research in the Sociotechnology Domain on or before [30th April 2012]. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at submission.pdfAll submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.

ABOUT International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development IJSKD:

The overall mission of the International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD) is to provide a practical and comprehensive forum for exchanging research ideas and down-to-earth practices which bridge the social and technical gap within organizations and society at large. At the same time it will provide a forum for considering the ethical issues linked to organizational change and development. It will encourage interdisciplinary texts that discuss current practices as well as demonstrating how the advances of - and changes within - technology affect the growth of society (and vice versa). The aim of the journal is to bring together the expertise of people who have worked practically in a changing society across the world for people in the field of organizational development and technology studies including information systems development and implementation.

This journal is an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association

Editor-in-Chief: Elayne Coakes
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)

All submissions should be directed to the attention of:
M. Gordon Hunter
Guest Editor
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

[CIOP] Welcome to new list - Community Informatics for Older Persons

There recently has been an expansion of technology applications for older persons. These efforts include communications for elderly with others, connections with families, medical monitoring, group activities, assistance with hospital transitions, and tele-health. An important aspect is the framework of communities, either as a way to view applications or the use of the inforrmation and communications technology application  in a group setting, such as a wii activity by a group.

Especially promising are the research activities being done internationally.
This is demonstrated by the latest issue of the Journal of Community Informatics on Technology and Older Persons, with a significant collection of varied current studies. The work on this journal included the cooperation of an international group of professionals for nearly a year.

It will be exciting and worthwhile to have the discussions and online meeting of professional minds.

To subscribe to new elist Community Informatics for Older Persons send an email
Message: subscribe ci-for-older-persons

Or go to

Gene Loeb, Ph.D.

My source: ciresearchers

Monday, 5 March 2012

RCN nursing journals are now available through HINARI

Dear All,

I am pleased to share that, as of last month, the journals published by the Royal College of Nursing (UK) are now available through HINARI, which means that HINARI users can now access the following journals:-

- Cancer Nursing Practice
- Emergency Nurse
- Learning Disability Practice
- Mental Health Practice
- Nurse Researcher
- Nursing Children and Young People Nursing Management
- Nursing Older People
- Nursing Standard
- Primary Health Care

This brings the total number of nursing journals available via HINARI to 172, including journals from BMJ Publishing, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Informa Healthcare, John Wiley, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Mary Ann Liebert, Sage, SLACK, and Thieme.

Best wishes to all.

Richard Gedye
Publisher Co-ordinator

My source:
HIFA2015 Health Information For All by 2015