Monday 17 June 2013

Walking the line of signs of movement in fresh air ...

P Being mobile and active is one
H of the most important
Y factors in longevity
S and quality of life.
I  A model of activity in residential
C and nursing home care should be a right.
O I often enquire about
P the possibility of residents who
O tend to become
L agitated at a certain time of
I of the day, to be taken, or assisted to
T have a walk, or at least
I  feel the fresh
C air on their faces.
A This can make a real
L difference, as Nature's natural sedative.

Prompted by a question posed by Jackie Pool on LinkedIn:
Supporting individuals through activity - a positive role for carers?

Jackie's description of an everyday indoor activity being used to promote movement and mobility flags a real issue. Access to the outdoors is still very difficult for many residents on units that are located upstairs.

Residential homes should (must) have sufficient staff to facilitate a full range of activities. This month in the Northern hemisphere it is summer: outside.

In terms of taking people out, staff often look at me and I them, as together we acknowledge the constraints that frequently operate. I've walked outside with residents myself a great opportunity to assess and engage. Staff know the benefits of movement and activity. This helps us all to get out-side of our-selves. The gift it that this diversion of sun and air (and rain) can reach through confusion and agitation, even if only for a short period of time. Hence it can be acutely frustrating when this basic need can not be fulfilled. Holding on to life's essential repertoire is vital.

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