Wednesday 29 May 2013

Author's copy: Humans, Information and Science - now on

Humans, Information and Science

This evening I went through some old directories from two PCs ago and added the two figures missing from a paper published in 1996. This is now available on

I've mentioned this paper before on W2tQ. I thought I would upload a copy as the basic details seems to have prompted some interest. At some point I would like to return to this subject:

The use of information forms the basis of nursing policies, standards and professional codes of conduct. Although used intuitively, nurses must now also grapple empirically with information needs often defined by others, and with the technology used to capture and process it. Even the briefest contemplation of 'information' reveals a truly pervasive concept. Information is ubiquitous. In order to care effectively in the so-called "information age" health care professionals need to understand information. This paper is a small contribution to that effort, attempting to conjoin the disparate fields of health and the information sciences; and the basic sciences upon which they are based.

This paper explores how definitions of 'information' formulated in computing and communication theory relate to health and other aspects of human experience. The strategy adopted to achieve this is threefold. First, there is the vexed question of defining data, information and knowledge. Second, I consider how communication - that essential nursing activity - relates to information, meaning and the messages people seek to convey to each other. Thirdly, clinical situations are described in an information oriented manner, using the concepts of 'redundancy' and 'entropy'. The conclusion provides an historical perspective.
Jones, P. (1996) Humans, Information, and Science, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24(3),591-598.

In the meantime a draft paper on Hodges' model, case formulation (conceptualization) and diagrams is at a reduced 4,000 words ready for a meeting with my co-author later in June.

Early next month I'll post a book review and crack on with other reading for reviews.

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