Monday, 12 December 2011

Blogging, social media (sins) and advertising

Every day I receive emails offering guest posts, press releases relating to journal papers, or would I like to conduct interviews with various leaders of their respective fields, people who have also appeared on CNN and other high-end media.

To those who make these requests I have two struggles: firstly the topics whilst frequently concerned with 'health' they are not necessarily suitable for W2tQ; and secondly I do not have time to conduct interviews. This may change, but as things stand not any time soon.

So ... to people who do get in touch - thank you for your interest and recognition of the profile and work here on W2tQ. I greatly appreciate the support of existing paid link partners and seek new partnerships. 

On this topic I posted on the LinkedIn group Social Media Today which I've expanded here, a reply to Courtney Seiter who asked:

What's the worst social media sin?
I'm working on a blog post about ways you can be a "social tool." What's your biggest pet peeve?

It depends on whether you're asking this of corporate users or individuals? As an individual or corporate user assuming that if you build something - they will come - you will have a 'community' is probably the biggest sin.

This is a key concern here. Just because you create a new website that includes what users need - stimulating content (indicative care concepts for care assessment, planning and evaluation...?), content that is relevant and makes users productive does not mean it will work as a community.

Many people in many forums have identified this already. It's important to learn from any existing readers, subscribers, and contacts you have to learn what people, your potential users want. Market research wins! There's no excuse for not being able to do this with the virtual tools available. And as my Drupal friends have stated (and since Szeged 2008) get something out there!

Courtney wonders about how you can be a social tool. Ultimately, it's about being a catalyst, creating a site that connects people (nurses, students) so that a community might emerge. A community that is not 'yours', but a self-sustaining force. (That said, there is always a need for maintenance of online communities - social media.)

My sin is not having an email newsletter, but in defence W2tQ is a newsletter of sorts.

Another consideration is how far do you spread the social media effort? Invites still come in for new social media initiatives, but I make a mental note of the name yet stay focused. My social media  portfolio is full.

More specifically though what is the primary message? An obvious point perhaps; but is it about a product, values. purpose, ideology, change? What are the secondary messages that flow from this? How do these relate to your existing media footprint?

If your business model is distributed public relations are those individual efforts on behalf of clients actually causing damage? Can that affect a company's ranking? Sometimes less is more. ... 

How will you respond when there is a pull on the (fishing) line? How do you measure success? How will you cope if you find you have a catch: a fishing net full? Well you never know. Are you ready to respond?

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