Thursday, 11 December 2014

Khan Foto Kucing Lucu Dan Imut juga diposting

Khan Foto Kucing Lucu Dan Imut juga diposting pesan di sebuah situs ekstrimis, mengatakan dia berharap anaknya akan suatu hari menjadi seorang jihadi.

Sebuah Foto Kucing Manis enam ibu-of-telah

Sebuah Foto Kucing Manis enam ibu-of-telah dipenjara selama lima tahun dan tiga bulan untuk mempromosikan terorisme di Facebook.

Runa Khan, dari Luton, sebelumnya mengaku menghasut terorisme di Suriah.

Mr Garner Foto Kucing Manis 43 dihentikan

Mr Garner Foto Kucing Manis 43 dihentikan di sebuah jalan di New York pada 17 Juli karena dicurigai menjual longgar, rokok untaxed.

Hal Foto Kucing Persia ini diyakini

Hal Foto Kucing Persia ini diyakini orang-orang pementasan pendudukan diminta untuk bergerak di luar, permintaan yang damai dipenuhi, kata Scotland Yard.

Protes Foto Kucing Persia Lucu itu dalam

Protes Foto Kucing Persia Lucu itu dalam solidaritas dengan aksi unjuk rasa di AS dipicu oleh kematian Eric Garner, seorang pria kulit hitam yang meninggal saat penangkapan di New York pada bulan Juli.

Polisi Foto Kucing Yang Lucu telah menangkap

Polisi Foto Kucing Yang Lucu telah menangkap 76 orang yang mengambil bagian dalam protes massa di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan besar London barat. Diperkirakan 600 orang berkumpul di Westfield di Shepherd Bush untuk disebut "mati-in" demonstrasi.

Friday, 10 October 2014

WMHD II c/o LSE: Investing in crisis care for people with schizophrenia makes moral and economic sense

“When someone has a mental health crisis, it is distressing and frightening for them as well as the people around them. Urgent and compassionate care in a safe place is essential – a police cell should never need to be used because mental health services are not available. For me, crisis care is the most stark example of the lack of equality between mental and physical health.” 
(The Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP, Care and Support Minister)
There is a strong moral and economic case for investing in innovative approaches that support people with schizophrenia to live independently in the community. Crisis resolution and home treatment teams and crisis houses can help reduce the need for expensive hospital admissions with some studies suggesting that the costs of care can be reduced by up to 30% through these service models. There is a clear potential for Clinical Commissioning Groups to make better use of their resources by investing in home treatment teams and crisis houses as approaches to crisis resolution.
My source: The London School of Economics and Political Science, Health and Social Care blog email

Hodges' model in recovery ...
Jones P. (2014) Using a conceptual framework to explore the dimensions of recovery and their relationship to service user choice and self-determination. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine. Vol 3, No 4, (2013) pp.305-311.