Tuesday 11 December 2012

H2CM: the 'title wall'

Museums and other organisations will often use a 'Title Wall' to present an exhibition. I read about this in the current IdN World and as I did thought about the Tate (London and Liverpool) and the visit to the National Gallery last February. The title wall will feature dedicated design, specific use of colour, typography and layout to communicate the promise that is the exhibition inside.

Perhaps Hodges' model is a Title Wall for health and social care?

Immediately, what title are we to use?

To begin with it is "Mrs Moore", until "Jessica - is fine."

The title wall is an invitation for a dialogue with an artist or artists. Hodges' model is an invitation to patient, carer, health professional and student to engage in a care dialogue.

The story still needs to be told whether by an artist or the patient. Listen to the wall. It should say nothing, despite the divide. Self. Other.

Words. Icons. Threaded in time. Often disjoint in mind.

What a job that combines the arts and the sciences - to collaborate in formulating THE BIG PICTURE of a person's health and social care situation.

A museum such as MOMA apparently has an in-house design team.

In-house ... this is our prize.

Can we provide the patient, carer and the general public with the level of health literacy for them to engage in self-care?

Care4grafitti anyone?

Image source: http://www.moma.org/explore/inside_out/tag/ann-temkin

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