If you have a 'project' then chances are at some point you're going to commit it to paper as a text or Gantt chart...
Last November I posted an
outline and some reflections about a project that I suppose has been a career in the making. This blog is part of the 'output': a channel that is open.
I am writing this in
Lund, Sweden. The people, weather, the lilac and other scents on the breeze are a real joy. I'm here to attend the
Conceptual Spaces at Work conference which starts tomorrow.
Part of the rationale for attending is to see if I've found a tree worthy of stressing my vocal cords over. If you compare the copy below with November then some changes should be apparent. For example,
I wasn't aware of CSML back then. This conference is not so much about trying to fill in gaps, but finding them. Here is the latest listing:
Introduction 1.1 Health and Social Care
1.2 Recurring Issues in Health and Social Care
2 Education Introduction
2.1 Education in the 21st Century
2.2 Recurring Issues in Education
3 Nursing, Nursing Theory and Hodges' model Introduction
3.1 Sciences, Medicine and Nursing Disciplines
3.2 Scope of Nursing Practice
3.3 The case for models of care: Simplification, speech, writing
3.4 Nursing Process
3.5 Data Initialisation In Nursing
3.6 Nursing Theory : All In The Mind?
3.7 Hodges' Health Career - Care Domains - Model
3.8 Problems With Models - Critique
3.9 Problems with Hodges' health career – care domains – model
4 Information Introduction
4.1 Information, energy, records
4.2 Clinical Classification and Coding
5 Cognitive Science, Learning and Literacy, Computation Introduction
5.1 Cognitive and Learning styles
5.2 Models, Contexts, Situations, the Project and (Darwinian) Justification
5.3 Forms of Literacy, Requirements and Socio-Technical Perspectives
5.4 Computation and Computer Graphics
5.5 Visual Software
5.6 Software Development, data, models, applications
5.7 Data Abstraction and Databases
5.8 Object Oriented Programming
5.9 Coding and Classification, Ontologies, RDF, Semantic Web
6 Gardenfors' Conceptual Spaces Introduction
6.1 Representation, Explanation and Construction
6.2 Background on key research methods
6.3 Gärdenfors conceptual spaces - selected definitions
Hodges' model as a Conceptual Space Introduction
7.1 Indicative Literature Review
7.2 H2CM, Data, Data, Data, (Data!) and research methods
7.3 Hodges’ model as a Conceptual Space
7.4 Quality dimensions – discrete vs continuous and confluent
8 Sandbox: Drupal, Ruby, CSML and SVG Introduction
8.1 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG): Web Graphics
8.2 Conceptual Space Markup Language (CSML)
8.3 Drupal: Open source content management system
8.4 Ruby
8.5 Domains and Domain Specific Languages
9 Closing Discussion: Values Introduction
I would love to attend SVG Open - The Graphical Web in September, but I have to cut the cloth as a dad, boyfriend, and full-time nurse... This year, ten days unpaid leave will help me pursue this work. It's not that I can necessarily afford to sacrifice salary like this, but at present it suits the NHS and me.
As to the text there will be lots more changes to follow no doubt. Chapter 4 has latent emergent properties - I hope. One struggle is 'chapters' 1 & 2, which provide a background to healthcare and education; and the closing discussion. In C1 for example, the issues include person-centered care, multidisciplinary care, records, information. ... In a way they are also themes, it's finding the right descriptor. Actually, as I write perhaps this issues-themes thing is related to there being issues that are problems that have a solution if only we can find it?
It's a big ask, but C8 and reference to the
sandbox says it all. Whether it is a case of issues, themes, or problems in nursing, health and social care it is values that count. I'm hoping there's a circle there that can be closed. Then the project really becomes a baton: and I can help
pass it on ...
More to follow over the next few days.
Many thanks also to Rikard for the welcome at
Hobykrok B&B and the loan of a power adapter!